71. Airport Trouble

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Sasuke had spent the day cleaning and tidying up their apartment after Shikamaru left.

Every once in a while he'd come back and check on his Sunshine. "Hey, I got dinner ready. You feeling any better?" He sat by the bed stroking Naruto's soft hair.

"Yeah, I should get ready so we'd leave right after." The blond sat up straight.

"You need help?"

"I can manage," he pecked his husband's lips before getting out of bed and heading to the closet.

Sasuke noticed Naruto's shuffling that hasn't changed despite an entire day's bed rest.
"Are you hurting?" He asked, perhaps that was what prevented his lover from sleeping.

"Mhm? No, just tired still. I promise if there was something else I'd have told you." He got dressed and small smiled as he felt his loving husband's arms around him.

"You better," He kissed Naruto's shoulder, his arms felt the semi-boney frame of his lover. "I love you,"

"You got my word," the blond turned around and held him back. "I love you too," he kissed him passionately.

After having dinner and doing the dishes, the newlyweds have left. Sasuke was a bit reassured after seeing a little bit of his energetic Blondie back.

Once they've arrived at the airport, Naruto took a deep breath in. The place was huge but it was packed. That was to be expected for spring break.

He relaxed once they checked in their luggage and were going through security. The slower influx of people gave him comfort.

The moment it was his turn, Naruto requested a private screening. He followed the officer to a room in the back. His carry-on bag brought to him after it went through the x-ray machine.

"You have a medical condition?" The TSA officer asked taking the liberty to open the bag.

"Yes," Naruto brought out his prescriptions, doctor notes and everything in between.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute." The officer had left the room taking the bag and the papers.

Naruto remained seated following their instructions.

Five minutes passed, then fifteen, and before long an hour had gone by. He was fully convinced they forgot about him entirely.

He got up worried about missing his flight.
Before he even reached the door someone had opened it.
"Sir, I'm afraid you can't have some of these in your carry-on."

"It's a long flight, I need them. I literally gave you all the papers."

"I understand but some of these are a safety hazard." He explained.

"On who?" Naruto furrowed his eyebrows.

"On yourself and other passengers." He stupidly replied.

"Are you serious right now?" The irritation was slightly evident in his tired voice. He thought he'd be through security by now.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down." The officer repeated those meaningless words in a monotone.

"Can I speak to your superior?"

"I'm the TSA supervisor," he smugly spoke.

"I reckon I said superior not supervisor." Naruto crossed his arms, "you answer to someone, I want to speak to whomever that is." He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. This all was giving him a headache.

"Sure, they'll be here 9 am tomorrow morning. I'll be sure to let them know you want to have a word with them. I'll escort you out. You're free to wait there." He laid down the options for the teen.

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