25. Planning

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Sasuke felt the soft velvety material of the duvet. It was like being hugged by fluffy marshmallows.
"Better?" Naruto's gentle hand rubbed his forearm.

"Yeah,...I'm really sorry" he tiredly opened his obsidian eyes.

"Doesn't matter as long as you're okay" Naruto leaned in kissing his forehead. "I called Itachi. He'll come pick you up as soon as his shift is over. So if you want to sleep some more, go ahead"

"We're having our date still right?"

"Uhm....yes and no" Naruto got in bed next to him. "We can watch a movie together" he smiled trying to cheer Sasuke up. "Any requests?" Naruto hit the remote control and a giant screen TV descended from the ceiling.

"Naruto-.." his words were interrupted by knocks on the door. Sasuke immediately struggled to sit up and look presentable. He might be sick but he was never was one to look or feel sick in front of others.

The blond got up and opened the door seeing Raiku there with a tray. Her eyes softly met those of Sasuke's and she gave an ever so small smile before she switched her attention back to Naruto.

Although they both were no more than a couple feet away, he couldn't hear a single word they were saying and he became intrigued by it all.
Before long she handed the tray to Naruto, bowed to them both wishing Sasuke well and left.
"She researched on some home remedies for nausea. She didn't know which one you'd like so she got you all of them: fennel, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, lemon, some peppermint oil thingy...I don't know half of the other things" Naruto sat down "pick your remedy"

"I'm troubling-.."

"No nonsense, dattebayo? Raiku likes helping. Besides you're my boyfriend, looking after you is never trouble" Naruto leaned in to kiss him but Sasuke leaned back.

"Usuratonkachi, my-..."

Naruto didn't care as he pulled him in for the kiss he wanted. "I said no nonsense. So pick your remedy"

Sasuke looked down, not knowing what he had done to deserve someone like Naruto. He didn't know if it was just that bad day or if it were all the things Naruto had done for him.

"Teme?" Naruto put his thumb and index on Sasuke's chin to lift it up. But when those dark eyes stared at his bright blue ones, the blond was not expecting to hear those three words.

"Naruto, I love you"

"I love you too" Naruto said almost immediately, resting his forehead against Sasuke's then softly closing the remaining gap in a long passionate kiss.
He had waited ages to finally hear those words and now he'd no longer be tormented with it.

Sasuke chose the slices of fresh ginger as Naruto got back in bed with him and they watched a movie together.
Though, Sasuke ended up asleep not even five minutes into the movie. He was comfortable under those sheets.


At around 9pm, Itachi and Kurama have arrived.
The blond was sitting in the living room when he saw them both.
"Hey, Sasuke's asleep in the bedroom. Itachi-san, can I have a word?"

"If you're going to ask him about-..." Kurama was interrupted.

"I'm talking to him about Sasuke, Aniki." Naruto reassured him as he walked to the terrace with the older Uchiha.
"Okay, so...Sasuke feels he doesn't know you much. I was thinking maybe you'd have the dinner date with him instead" Naruto smiled pointing suggestively at the prepped dinner table.


"It'll make him happy. Anyways think about it. I'm gonna say goodnight for now" Naruto walked away.

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