7. Pedo Park

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Itachi had to go to work early that morning since he got a call. He left a note to his brother and left the house in a hurry.

Sasuke only woke up two hours later when he heard his bedroom door open.
"Hey, uhm....Kakashi sensei had to go to the hospital...and your brother had to go to work...so it's just you and me. I got breakfast ready. Do you need help with anything?"

Sasuke sat up carefully. "No, I'm fine" he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Shikamaru just helped make the bed, he put Sasuke's outfit on the bed.

He was about to leave when he heard noise coming from the bathroom.
"Sasuke, are you okay?" The older teen knocked on the door but getting no answer he broke the door open pretty easily.

Sasuke was on the floor, still holding to the shower curtain that broke his fall. His heart beat fast and his vision was blurry. He had lost his balance, he had almost hit his head with the edge of the bathtub.

Shikamaru got on his knees, the hot water had freely soaked both of them.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" The older teen asked.

"No...I just lost my footing"

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head? I'll just call-..."

"I didn't! I just tripped! I can take a shower by myself!" He shouted, his tears mixing with the water as he angrily shouted at Shikamaru.

"There's nothing wrong with asking for help. It's not a sign if weakness" Shikamaru turned off the water and brought his bathrobe.

How could he take those words seriously when all his life he had been hearing the exact opposite?
His wet hairs covered his flushed faced as he silently cried. His classmate's friend was helping him out of the bathroom, he was sure the entire school was going to hear about it.

The Nara silently walked to the closet returning the school outfit. Sasuke didn't have a lot of clothes. He got out of the room, going to the one across, grabbing one of Naruto's pyjamas, some brand new underwear and socks.

Shikamaru put them on the bed and looked at Sasuke.
The raven looked at the clothes.
"Those are Naruto's"

"He wouldn't mind. Want my help?"

"No..." Sasuke said.

"Okay but I'm not leaving the room" Shikamaru informed turning around "you can get dressed"

"I just-..."

"I'm in charge until Kakashi sensei or Iruka-san are back...so whatever you're going to say just shove it up your ass"

"Don't peak" Sasuke said still only earning a laugh.

"I'm not interested in peaking. Besides I doubt you have anything to show for it" Shikamaru smirked, he knew he was getting on Sasuke's nerves and boy was he enjoying it.

Sasuke just got dressed as fast as possible, he was embarrassed. Whatever come back he had Nara would slam him back immediately.

"You can turn around now" Sasuke sighed but tensed when he found himself on bed with Shikamaru on top of him. "Wha...what are you doing?"

"I know your secret" Shikamaru was almost kissing him.

"I d-d-do-don-don't ha-have a secret" Sasuke stuttered and mentally yelled at himself 'Uchihas don't stutter...we are calm, cool and collected. Get your act together, loser!'

"Sure you do. Everyone does" the older teen smirked "you fancy Naruto"

"I don't fancy Naruto. I will never like him. Not even if he was the last person on earth" Sasuke angrily pushed Shikamaru off him. "Don't do something like that again....I thought you were straight..."

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