27. Coming Out

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Kurama that very day had quit his job and awaited for Itachi to finish his shift.
"I thought you have another overnight shift" Itachi blushed as the redhead held his hand.

"I did, but I gave my resignation. We can't date if we both work there."

"Senpai-..." Itachi looked up at him. Itachi wasn't by any chance short, yet somehow Kurama was still taller than him. He was taller by thirty centimeters or so, so whenever he looked up at the redhead he had the sense that Kurama was towering over him.

"Words?" Kurama waited for him to speak. "Any day now"

But the more Itachi thought about what he wanted to say the more his face burned a darker shade of red.

"Itachi, you just have to say it. Unfortunately, I can't read minds.....yet" he winked.

"Senpai...can we pick up where we left?" He blurted out.

"That's a vague ass request-..."

"I want us to get married" Itachi clarified immediately.

"Oh" Kurama cleared his throat. "okay don't say anything...just hear me out okay?"

Itachi nodded in response.

"So uhm...how about we tell them first about the relationship that lasted five years...announce that we're back together...and then see how it goes. I know you're excited, so am I...But I think rushing into marriage is a bad decision because I really don't remember us. I'm not saying no indefinitely...I'm saying no for now. Am I clear enough?" He lifted Itachi's chin so he would look him in the eyes "I know it's not the answer you wanted."

"No. I guess I'm just scared that you won't love me anymore"

Kurama poked Itachi's forehead the way he always had "idiot, I already love you, that hasn't changed."

"A lot can go wrong"

"And a lot can go right." Kurama countered "you're ready to do it tonight?"

"Mhm. I'm nervous really" he held his boyfriend's hand tight for reassurance as they walked together. "But yes...five years of secrecy hadn't done us any good. If they knew we were dating, I'd have known what happened to you that night"

"You're still thinking about that?"

"How can I not?" Itachi's voice quivered slightly.
The silence that followed was deafening. Kurama knew his lover subconsciously, he knew a question was coming his way so he just waited for the Uchiha beside him to gather his courage.

The redhead looked at the house as it came in view and then finally Itachi asked. "Did it hurt?"

"mhm..." Kurama thought momentarily before he answered "I was fine for the most part. I helped around the crash site. I was suffering from an internal head injury. I did get a warning but I thought it was just glass that pierced the skin near my ear. By the time other symptoms showed up, I had bled into my brain. Last thing I remember of that night was seeing Naruto come in and then nothing."

"Just nothing?"

"Yupe" Kurama popped the 'p'.

"Were you scared?"

"Of death? I don't know. I was mostly scared of never seeing you again, of leaving Naruto behind... He doesn't cope well with that kind of loss" Kurama let go of Itachi's hand as he unlocked the door.

Naruto was on his way downstairs so he had perfect view of the front door. He saw his brother then Itachi, it took only that second looking at them both for him to realize they were together.

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