15. The Curse

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Naruto was back on time for once. His clothes weren't messy as they usually would be, he wasn't out of breath. He sat down and took his test.

He was first to finish and then he just sat down bored looking out the window as it snowed. February 14th, Kurama's birthday. Those were the thoughts going through his mind.

If anyone saw they'd think he was having trouble with his test.

After class, Sasuke saw Neji come up to his housemate.

"Not interested" the blond replied right away. As he was fixing his clothes.

"Come on, why are you being so cold? Our date was awesome" he smirked.

"Really? You think so?" Naruto rolled his eyes, the sarcasm was dripping from his tone.

"Yeah, we got to know each other. I mean we missed half the movie cause you wanted to walk ins-..."

"Tell me one thing you learned about me from the date" he crossed his arms.
Silence ensued "alright an easy question, Neji...what is my favourite colour?"

Neji laughed as if he asked the most obvious question. "Orange, duh"

"Bye, Neji. Find yourself another crush. We're not going on a second date" he got Sasuke's bag and walked beside him.

Neji was left fuming behind. He guessed correct, he was so full of himself he thought there was no way. Naruto wore orange a lot.
"Hey, Sasuke....do you want to go out with us? We're hanging out after school. I already asked Itachi. He said it's fine."

"Hn" he replied.
Naruto didn't know if that meant a yes or a no so he didn't know how to reply.
"Where are we going?" Sasuke finally asked.

"Ha," Naruto's eyes brightened up "we're going to Winter Funland! Kaasan and Tou-san will be there too so curfew is whenever they want to go home." He unlocked the car and put their stuff in the backseat whilst Sasuke got in the passenger seat.

The drive was yet again rather quiet, until Sasuke opened his mouth "the song you wrote....was good"


"Who is it about?"

"No one" Naruto chuckled "I actually just read some reddit posts and was inspired. It was a challenge. I have never been in a relationship so I was worried I wouldn't capture the feeling. Although...you know it's really just for me"

"For you?"

"Yeah, it's not for anyone else to hear. Normally it's just Shikamaru who hears them for feedback"

"What's the point of feedback if no one is going to hear them?" Sasuke asked whilst looking out the car window. He was shocked to see Sai outside Naruto's home. He hesitated to get out of the car, but not like he had an option.

"Well took you long enough," the socially dysfunctional teen pulled his bag over his shoulder noticing Naruto was not alone "Sasuke is here but when are the rest coming over?"

"Shikamaru should be here in an hour but Ino and Hinata said they'd meet us at the restaurant" Naruto unlocked the house. He said his usual Tadaima even though he knew his parents were not home yet. Kakashi normally stayed an hour after classes were over to finish his day at work and Iruka usually got off around 5pm unless they called him for a night shift.

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