67. The Wedding

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Naruto relaxed into Sasuke's loving arms, falling asleep.

The raven kissed the blond's forehead happily cuddling to his husband. That word had a ring to it. The newlyweds had fallen asleep around 5 am that day.

Only three hours later, they had guests. Sasuke was first to wake up. He had worn his robe quickly before pushing the outfits from last night's rushed wedding under the bed. It was the only place he could think no one would come near.

"Teme?" Naruto felt the empty space and called out softly. He rubbed the sleep off of his eyes as the knocking was more audible now.

"Your parents are here." The raven informed quickly as he got dressed. All the while the knocks on the bedroom door were gradually getting louder.

The blond simply laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. "Last night wasn't a dream, right?" He asked, a smile on his face but mostly tired.

Sasuke smiled and sat down on bed, "no," he caressed Naruto's cheek. But then noticed they both were still wearing their wedding rings. "Shit..." He muttered as he removed his before taking off Naruto's.

The blond sat at the edge of the bed, thanking Sasuke for handing him his robe. "Usuratonkachi, if you're tired just stay in bed."

"No, it's okay. I know mum can be a bit too much." He softly smiled as he felt a kiss on the forehead as he gotten dressed quick.

Sasuke simply nodded before opening the door. Iruka was right outside with Kakashi who had been desperately attempting to dissuade him from waking the two teens.

"Good morning!" The brunet chirped.

"Ha, g'morning Iruka-san," Sasuke couldn't hide his yawn.

"Well you two lovebirds need to wake up. It's 8 am already and we have soo much to do in so little time." Iruka clapped excitedly. "Your wedding is after tomorrow!"

Sasuke's eyes widen as blood rushed to his face. He lowered his head immediately. The hand that purposefully squeezed his butt-cheek gently rested on his waist.

The two adults thought the boy was nervous and shy. It wasn't that odd for the raven to get flustered. Little did they know, the emerging blond was the cause behind Sasuke's embarrassment.

Naruto greeted them like normal and ushered them to the dinning room.
Iruka had went to kitchen prepping the food he brought with him from home.

He opened the fridge and a white cake stared at him. Not just any white cake; a white wedding cake.
Iruka picked it up and silently placed it on the dinning table. He's eyes asking all the questions his forced smile betrayed.

Sasuke and Naruto both spoke at the same time.
"We sampled some cakes yesterday,"

"Oh, is that so? And you got a whole cake for sampling?" Iruka raised an eyebrow. It appeared half of it was eaten too. "I thought you were getting Youhei to do the cake."

"Honestly, Kaa-san." Naruto sighed as he got up to the kitchen. He grabbed a couple plates "some couple cancelled their wedding and the bakery ended up selling the cake. They said this was their most popular flavor. I figured I'd ask Youhei to make something similar if we all liked it so much." Naruto served them. "Sasuke found it a bit too sweet for his liking but he found every other cake too sweet for his liking." The blond chuckled.

Truth was sprinkled around the lie Naruto told. Which made it difficult to find out whether he was lying or not. Sasuke's annoyance, about being put under the spotlight again, also worked in their favor.

Iruka was still suspicious but he took the plate he was served.
"We'll have a taste after breakfast. Did you like it?"

"Mhm," Naruto shortly replied. "I think Youhei can do better, though." The blond tried to hide his discomfort.

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