56. Unwanted Guest

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Naruto couldn't believe they were officially engaged.
He had asked his parents if he could have the keys to the old apartment.

With their support, Naruto and Sasuke moved in together a week after their engagement.

"So you grew up here?" Sasuke looked at the newly furnished apartment and put down the box.

"Yeah, we moved out when I was ten. I made a few phone calls, they might have gone a bit-...too far with the renovations..." He chuckled nervously.


Naruto's phone went off; interrupting their conversation.

"If it's work; go ahead and answer, Usuratonkachi." He smiled and went back down to get back the rest of their stuff.

Naruto apologized only to get a dismissive gesture from Sasuke. He smiled before answering.
"Ha, Izumi."

"Naruto, I don't have time to explain. I'm at the police station downtown. I need you to bail me out."

"Bail you? The hell did you do this time?" Naruto exasperated.

"Just pay the one million and bail me. I'll pay you back."

The call ended before Naruto could deny his request.

The raven walked in. "Another board meeting?"

"No..." Naruto sighed and called his right hand woman "hey Raiku, Izumi just called. Do you know why he's in jail?"

"I'm afraid not, possession of drugs again more likely." She sat back. "We don't need another scandal from him."

"I'll take care of it, Raiku. Thanks for everything." He hung up right after. "Sasuke, I have to go for a bit."

"Hn, you want me to come with?"

"No, it's fine." Naruto pecked his lips. "I'll bring dinner on my way back. I love you."

"You be careful, call me if anything." Sasuke stole a kiss "I love you too."

Naruto got in his car and drove to the main police station downtown.
When he got to there, he immediately felt closed up in that space.
"Excuse me, I'm here to pay up the bail for Izumi Kire-san."

The woman didn't really look up from her computer as she gave him directions. Naruto thanked her and walked away. He kept fiddling with his hands and tried to just remain calm until he got to the bailing section.

He stood in line until it was his turn.
"Okay state your name and the person you're here for."

"Uzumaki Naruto, I'm here for Izumi Kire-san."

A few strokes on the keyboard; he looked up at Naruto. "There are a few restrictions tied to his bail: Kire-san's assets have been frozen. If you pay up you will be held accountable for him showing up to court. Mandatory house arrest at your place, until his lawsuit is cleared up."

"I'm sorry, what did he do?" Naruto asked.

"Sexual assault against a minor, contributing to the deliquency of a minor, possession of drugs, physical assault and extortion." The officer looked at the horrified teen.

"Can I...can I see him before I decide?" He asked.

The man told him where to go and then proceeded to call for the next person.

Izumi was sitting in his cell; the day he had spent in that jail was the longest of his life. He'd have paid himself out if the Judge didn't freeze his assets. He even called a few 'friends' but none came to his aid.

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