70. The Will

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Naruto sighed as he plopped on bed. It was 7 in the morning, they were sure to miss their flights. Sasuke's inhumane coloured skin was nowhere near better.

The blond yawned as sleep washed over him. "I say we postpone." He said sleepily.

Sasuke pouted, "we can still go"

"I don't think they'll let you in through security. You don't look like yourself, Teme." He glanced at his husband. "What were you thinking?" A soft chuckle escaped him.

"I just wanted to not look like I had one foot in the grave already." He stayed standing not wanting to taint the white bedsheets.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he sat up, "Sasuke, I love your milky-white skin. I think you're just overthinking your appearance." He held Sasuke's hand and brought him close.

"It's easy for you to say, you just stand under the sun for a couple of hours and already you get a killer tan. I just become red, peel off and somehow become whiter." He pouted some more as he heard Naruto chuckle.

"We're going to the beach for a whole month, you're bound to naturally get some colour. Come on get in bed,"

"I'll stain the sheets." He froze as Naruto kept trying to pull him to bed.

"I don't care, I want to cuddle with my cute Oompah Loompa." He laughed as he felt that playful hit by Sasuke. But his smile softly stopped as he was falling asleep. "Come on, I was alone most of yesterday, you owe me..." He mumbled with a pout before he just fell asleep.

Sasuke yawned, he was tired. After all, they spent the night trying different remedies to remove the fake tan. Needless to say, nothing worked.

He looked at Naruto, whose hand was still holding his tight. Whenever the raven attempted to move it would simply tighten not letting him go. He huffed a smile and decided to get in bed; allowing Naruto to spoon him.

When his obsidian eyes opened, it was to an empty bed. He rolled on his back after checking is well past 2pm.

The apartment was eerily quiet and his voice calling for his blond husband died out.

Sasuke immediately worried as he looked around not finding him. In his haste he was inattentive to the note by the bedside.

He picked up his phone and called Naruto, hoping the latter was okay.
"G'morning sleepy prince,"

"Don't..." Sasuke winced as the pain in his chest returned "where did you go? I thought something happened to you!"

"I left you a note on the nightstand, dattebayo?" Naruto spoke more softly since this only made him feel guiltier.

"I didn't-...I didn't see it." He mussed the area that ached most, hoping it would help ease it up. His eyes darted to the night stand finding a yellow sticky note in an obvious place.

"Sasuke, are you okay? You sound off." Naruto cut his grocery shopping trip short as he was concerned about his husband getting under the weather again. He ushered himself to checkout.

"Mm-hmm" Sasuke affirmed, he took a couple deep breaths.

"I'll be home in fifteen minutes. Teme, I'm sorry, dattebayo?" Naruto's pout got more evident the more he spoke.

"I really should stop overthinking like you said." The raven laid his head down on the pillow.

"I'd like to see that one day," Naruto chuckled softly, he paid up for their groceries. "I was thinking we can still travel in Konoha as a plan B. You don't need a passport for that. And we can do that until you look...human again." He teased hearing Sasuke grumble "I've pretty much have never been anywhere. I thought we could experience that together, after all Konohagakure is the prettiest in spring."

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