3. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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Sasuke was even happier when he got to spend the weekends with his brother. Sure, he wasn't allowed to spend the night with him but he got to spend the entire day from morning til 8:30pm. That was when his current guardian would come pick him up.

"So this is going to be your room." Itachi smiled "you can think of colours and decorations and then next weekend we can decorate it together."

"You really think they'll approve you? I'm really worried"

"My job pays well and my working time is from 9 to 5. If I'm on call or have a night shift, I'll get you a nurse, okay? I can afford taking care of you" he poked his forehead like he always had "now stop worrying"

"Aniki!" Sasuke rubbed it "that could bruise" he whined and his older brother laughed at him.

They played some video games and Sasuke just celebrated his victory. Come 6pm he was already asleep on the couch.

Itachi covered him up and went cleaning up the mess they have both made. The last time he had seen Sasuke this energetic was before the first signs of illness started showing. His baby brother was only 5 at the time. No one should have to face this.

He woke him up and had dinner together before Umino-san was at the door.
The man was like clockwork 8:30pm sharp, the doorbell rang.

"Iruka-san please come in"

"Perhaps another time, tomorrow is a school day after all so Sasuke needs to get to bed early. Sasuke-kun, say goodnight to your brother"

"G'night Aniki...I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"I'll be there" he kissed his forehead, walking with them downstairs as he carried Sasuke's bag. "Call me if you need anything okay? I love you" another kiss on his forehead.

"Mhm kay.." he blushed "love you too" he buckled up and watched his brother from the side mirror.

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun. I'll do everything I can to have you two reunited" he smiled as they took a cab back to the house. It was a thirty minute drive and the fare was not cheap either. Iruka worked as a social worker, where would he get such money to afford a nice house and to afford the fare? 

He was beginning to be intrigued by it all. They got out together.
"By the way, Sasuke...tomorrow morning my partner will come pick you up for school. I have something to tend to early morning."

This sounded familiar, at least he wasn't asked to walk all the way to school, although it was only a ten minute walk from the house.

"Okay" Sasuke replied.

"Have you had dinner?"

"Yeah...I'm just gonna get ready for bed and sleep. Goodnight" he informed making his way upstairs.

Iruka had always kept a keen eye and ear around the house. He heard the running water stop after a while and then the house basked in silence.

Before the man went to sleep he walked in the teenager's room checking on him. He covered him up and left to his own bedroom.

In the morning he checked on him again, he made him breakfast and left it with a note before leaving the house.
"Hey, you're early for once" he chuckled and kissed his husband.

"I'm still half asleep...don't ask how I drove here" he brought his keys out.

"Okay well coffee is still hot so help yourself out. Sasuke is sleeping. He normally wakes up at 8...thank you" he fixed his lover's collar and kissed him again.

"You torture me, Iruka" the man sighed.

"You love me" the brunet smirked.

"You're lucky I do" Kakashi pulled in for a more passionate kiss "if you don't go now I won't let you go" he whispered in his ear, Iruka immediately composed himself and slid from Kakashi's arms going to the waiting taxi.

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