49. To Fix What's Broken

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Snow had started to fall, soft and gentle. The first snowfall of Konoha. The city had always looked so pretty in white.

He sat in the egg-shaped swing, huddled up in a blanket.
The gentle breeze rustled the leaves. The sound of baby birds calling their mother in the nest filled the place. He turned his attention to the nest. Did Nessi already immigrate for the winter?

The last time she had babies in winter, she stayed the season here to look after them. So he stayed there watching the nest while he waited to see if Nessi would show up.

The mother never did come and the cries of her three fledglings demanding food never stopped. They only weakened.

Naruto called on a bird rescuer worried about Nessi's offspring.
They instructed him on what to do to bring them safely to them since they couldn't send someone over at 7pm.

The blond carefully held the nest in his hands and brought them inside.
"Can you please start the car? We're going to the bird shelter" he requested of his driver.

"Yes, sir" the man exited the house.

The teen gotten ready and got out looking at the little fuzzy fledglings as they cuddled up for warmth.
"Nessi would never abandon you" Naruto mumbled as he gently put his gloved hands around them for more warmth.

Once they have arrived they took them in.
"Do you happen to know how old they are? The woman asked.

"One week, I haven't seen Nessi all day long. She usually comes and goes but she wasn't there today" Naruto looked at them.

"Winter is upon us. It's not unheard of for birds to just leave their chicks behind" she examined them.

"Not Nessi, six years ago she had a couple right before winter again and she didn't leave. We made her a bird house inside and it took a while but when the weather got worse they moved in. It's just not like her to leave them behind"

The woman smiled sympathetically. "Well, I can show you how to take care of them. We're a bit short on staff. I asked you to bring them because I was concerned they might be too weak but they look pretty good." She went to the back with Naruto.
"So for these types of chicks what you need is to do is feed them every 2 to three hours. At least until they open their eyes. You can use Dog food, any type of liver uncooked and unseasoned, or hard boiled eggs..obviously you wanna ground it and then I'll give you a few things. Don't force them to open their beaks or anything of the sort.." she continued advising him.

Naruto took notes of everything she said. He wanted them to survive, specially if Nessi has died out somewhere while looking for food for them.


Sasuke that morning had travelled all over Konoha in search of someone who can fix the guitar.

He kept being rejected. He was at his last place.
"Sorry, kid. Someone brought this to me before. The answer is the same. It's garbage." The woman fixed her glasses.

"Do you know anyone? Please...it's really important I have it fixed." He pleaded.

The woman removed her glasses and eyed the guitar. "Look I told your friend where to find the maker of these guitars. If he returned it, chances are the guy didn't make any of these models anymore-..."

"Can you tell me where that is please?" He interrupted.

She sighed and wrote him the address even if it was done just to get rid of him.

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