38. Floating

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Naruto was excited to get off bed that morning. Everything was ready, he had all the permissions needed and this will be the greatest birthday ever.

"G'morning Kaasan! Tou-san!" Naruto cheerfully passed through grabbing the bentos he made last night.

"Can you tune down just a bit? I have a migraine" Kakashi winced resting his head on the counter. Correcting papers was a pain in the ass.

"Sorry!" He whispered. "Feel better, dad" Naruto kissed Kakashi's head and Iruka's cheek "I love you, wish me luck!" He carried his backpack and headed out.

Kakashi just groaned as the tone was still the same even though he whispered. He normally appreciated Naruto's hyperactivity in the morning but at the time he loved the silence of the house more.

Naruto was, on the other hand, on cloud nine. The drive from the house to the hospital was smooth. It was six in the morning, summer vacation had just rolled in for schools. He wanted to be out of Konoha before it's seven, that way they don't get caught in the middle of traffic of people going to work.

But everything he planned was thrown out the window when he walked in.
"Aniki?" His eyes darted to an unconscious Sasuke.

"Sorry Naruto, he can't go anywhere." Kurama broke the bad news.

"Is he okay?" The teen asked, that was all that mattered to him. Plans can be remade, he held Sasuke's hand.

"He had a rough night. It would be reckless to get him out of the hospital today." Kurama sat back down.

"His well-being is first priority to me, Kurama" Naruto kissed Sasuke's forehead and sat by his side.

He watched the raven sleep peacefully. The lack of emotions on his boyfriend's pale face told him one thing, he was sedated to sleep. Fresh traces of tears were remnants of the pain Sasuke endured before he was given mercy. They were gently kissed away by the blond.

When Sasuke woke up that late afternoon, it was just him and Kurama. He sort of expected Naruto to be there, he hadn't seen him since the day the blond collapsed.

If Naruto was still not feeling better, Sasuke wondered if there was something else he wasn't told.
"How are you feeling?" Kurama asked when he noticed the teen was fully awake.

"Okay," Sasuke rolled to his side and got out of bed going to the bathroom. When he got back out, he stopped.
"Were those there when I-..."

"Yupe" Kurama glanced at him, Sasuke was smiling mumbling the word 'Usuratonkachi'. "Why don't you find out where they go?"

Sasuke knew that despite insisting he didn't celebrate his birthday, Naruto still planned something. Of course the hopeless romantic would scatter red rose petals in a trail.

He wondered what he would find at the end of the trail as he got out of the hospital. The hot July afternoon sun greeted him, the absence of wind helped keep the petals in place.

He saw Naruto frantically rearranging things over and over again.

The blond turned around immediately but instead of greeting his boyfriend he glared at Kurama "you were supposed to send me a text. You had one job, Aniki!" The teen whined.

"Then it wouldn't have been fun for me." Kurama chuckled keeping his eyes on his book as he walked away giving them privacy.

Naruto just pouted like a kid muttering words mockingly at Kurama.
"I'm still here" Sasuke chortled at his boyfriend's childish behavior. He saw the blond's face burn a deep red colour before he covered his face. "Hey...come on now...don't block my view" Sasuke had the widest smile on his face as he wrapped arms around Naruto in a loving hug.

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