24. A Helping Hand

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That morning, Naruto had actually gone to his doctor getting copies of the two reports before going to the hospital.

He found them both right by the door. He went straight to Sasuke and kissed him passionately "you look radiant. Don't dare make any puns Sasuke"

"Alright, no pun" he rolled his eyes "you're no fun"

"But I am the coolest boyfriend, don't forget that."

"And why is that?"

"Because we're going on a date tonight" Naruto bit his lip as his boyfriend asked Itachi for the confirmation.

"Yeah, Tsunade sensei said it would be good for you. She even said that on really good days you can go to class." Itachi smiled.

"Oh thank you Aniki! Thank you thank you!" He hugged his brother and pulled when the pager went off. "You can go, Niisan. I'll see you later"

"I can't believe it. My own brother is so eager to get rid of me" Itachi walked away hand on his heart acting broken.

"So melodramatic" Kurama shivered before he narrowed his eyes at Sasuke "dick in your pants"

"Don't threaten my brother! If anything it's your brother I should worry about!" Itachi walked back the few steps.

"Look at his face! He's a literal saint. A cute kitty cat, innocent. How dare you even make such a bold claim!?" Kurama fired back

"Are you hinting that my brother sleeps around?" Itachi pulled Sasuke away.

"If you said it then it must be true" Kurama stood protectively in front of Naruto.

"Kurama!/Itachi!" Both the teens called for their older sibling simultaneously

"What?" The adults looked back. But Sasuke had no reply and only Naruto spoke.

"You two should just kiss already and leave us out of it" he smirked knowingly.

"You told him?!" Itachi was blushing badly.

"No, of course not" Kurama felt under the spot. He certainly didn't tell anyone. But that was long ago, before they graduated med school.

"He didn't have to tell me, I saw it." Naruto shrugged. "Now you two work things out and leave us out of it" he held Sasuke's hand and left with him.

The raven was confused but he couldn't utter a single word for five minutes.
"They kissed?! When?"

"Welcome back" Naruto chuckled and continued driving "back when they were both in med school. My brother always complained about Itachi, said he was getting on his nerves. Anyways, I went over to the library one evening to try and cheer him up and I found him making out with your brother. I didn't know he was your brother back then, to be honest...all I saw was the ponytail" he smiled as he told the story.

"You're okay with this? With them being together?" Sasuke was not on board with the idea. "They're our brothers, if they end up married what does that even make us?"

A- Sasuke, You're overthinking.
B- on the off chance they do end up getting married you and I are still not blood related and that's all the state requires to approve our relationship.Hence why it's not criminalized pretty much everywhere. You think we're the first paired siblings? I can think of at least four different twin couples.
Lasty, I've never seen him with anyone before. He never talked about any girl or any guy. He hasn't whined about Itachi ever since his return but I think he's just slightly jealous of you. Look, relax okay?" He held his hand. "You're overthinking an issue that doesn't exist."

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