The beginning (Part 2)

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After that explosion; everything happened in a monotone for the Uchiha. How their family refused to take care of them and then they were up for adoption. Of course having that family name meant they got adopted almost immediately.

Both he and Sasuke were taken by mere strangers. He was thankful, it meant his baby brother wouldn't even possibly remember their own parents. It meant Sasuke wouldn't suffer as much as him with the pain of losing their parents. That is what Itachi thought. For even at the tender age of nine, he was far smarter and more compassionate.

At age five, Uchiha Sasuke was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. That's when he became a pity party for all of those around him. His older brother was the only one he actually liked spending time with; something that hasn't changed at all ever since he was a baby.

He was scared, frightened....terrified even due to the way his adoptive parents kept crying and wailing.

It was a tough journey but at age seven he went into remission and he thought he had seen the last of his demon.
When he was no longer sick, he was back to his normal life. He studied only at the best of schools and wore the best of clothes.

But Uchiha Sasuke's life was far from perfect. Behind all those nice things was mental abuse that he was on the receiving end of. Their adoptive parents almost despised him. No, Sasuke was sure, they did.
This was different from how they would be told they should be grateful for being taken in.

Uchiha Sasuke was always compared to his older brother. Nothing he did seemed to ever be good enough. The people, he considered his parents, had told him more than once he was defective.

Defective, yes. That is the word his parents chose to call him.
That's why when he was diagnosed the second time around he truly believed he was defective.

At age eight, he was back to chemotherapy. And at ten, was the last time Itachi had seen his baby brother smile.
Uchiha Sasuke thought himself destined to only one thing; death. So he didn't try to fight, he had given up on everything. On life, on living.

Sasuke thought that dying indeed was easier than living. He could be with his real parents, that is if heaven and hell existed.

He didn't want to think of the higher being which humans referred to as God. He was but a ten year old child, yet already he had suffered so much cruelty.
Was he destined for pain? How would that be juste? How could it be fair for him to be laying in a hospital bed, poison coursing through his veins while another child was outside playing?
What did he do to deserve such penance?

Through all of those questions going in his mind, there was no one to talk to. No one to comfort him, and only the sound of his own monitors reminded him that the merciful death he so wished to receive had too abandoned him.

So he curled up to a ball. Only the pillow under his head knew exactly the amount of pain he felt every single night.


They say depression is a side affect of cancer treatment. I don't really care about what they say. I've been in and out of hospitals my whole life.

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, biotherapy, But nothing seemed to work so far. Lately, I've just been doing it for the sake of my family.

Not like I had a saying in any decision. I was just seventeen and already tired of life. Tired of having people look at me with those same eyes, pity.

How much I loathed people for their fake smiles and their overthetop positive attitude. I wasn't a kid anymore. I didn't need them to sugarcoat reality.
I've accepted my fate when I was ten.

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