13. The Secret Date

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Kakashi entered the house.

Silence greeted him; never a good sign.
"Naruto?" He called walking to the boy's room, then he checked Kurama's, their own room, the other guestroom and even Sasuke's before searching the rest of the house whilst calling for him.

There was yet again, no note there for him. So he called him, thinking maybe he went to visit his classmate.
His phone rang, he followed the sound of the ringtone till he found the phone under the pillow.

The bed was messy.

That made his heart rate double. He called Iruka.
"Hey baby, are you-..."

"Please tell me Naruto is with you" he desperately asked.

"No...he didn't come" Iruka walked out of the room not wanting to trouble Sasuke "he's probably in the cemetery if he didn't leave a note"

"Okay, I'll go look for him" he hung up not wanting to tell Iruka knowing he'd freak out more. He saw Naruto's scarf and coat knowing his son had left without proper warm clothes.

At the Genkan, he could see the car keys. Further solidifying his theory that Naruto was indeed asleep. He thanked god his son had dropped it, it would have been a worse disaster if he were driving while asleep.

Kakashi got in his car and drove off. The cemetery had no Naruto, no one around there had seen a boy with those descriptions.

He had went to all of Naruto's hanging spots, even all the way to the Hokage mountain.

Then it clicked, the one place he thought was impossible perhaps wasn't all that impossible.

Hashirama memorial hospital.


"Stop the car!" A voice ordered as he saw the underdressed blond walking on the side of the road.

He couldn't believe it at first but no doubt this was his classmate. Wearing his slippers and light orange pyjamas and evidently nothing else underneath.

"Naruto" he got out of the car, being ignored wasn't exactly new to him. He and the blond have never been friends. "I'm talking to you, Dickless" he held the boy's wrist.

The pale teen was surprised by the counteraction that Naruto twisted his arm and moved on to high kick him in the face. Only he was quick to block the kick.
"What the heck was that for?" This was the first time he actually felt confused. The first time he actually felt anything akin to anger.

But upon further inspection, he deduced that his blond classmate was asleep.

How do you deal with a hostile sleepwalker? He didn't even know how to deal with normal awake people.
When he raised his hand up in defense signalling he was not fighting, Naruto simply turned around and continued walking.

Any other day he'd have snapped a photo and sent it to Neji. But not today.
"Naruto, where are you going? I can give you a ride....I guess" he mumbled the last couple words. Neji would be furious if he found out that Naruto was not helped.

The words seemed to stop the blond who turned around. The same blank look on his face, his eyes semi closed.
"Hashirama memorial hospital" he muttered.

Although the dark haired teen did not catch the name, as he had no intention of actually taking Naruto there, he still nodded telling him to get in.

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