62. Crush vs Love

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Naruto had called for a ride as soon as they entered the residence.

His eyes scanned obsessively for the perpetrator whilst sitting down at the step.
"I'll just-...wait right here. Right here is fine." Naruto repeated crossing his arms.

"It's warmer in the living room," Yāhiko argued.

"You heard him." Shikamaru iterated. "We'll wait here, thank you."

The orange haired man shrugged before walking away.
Nagato, however, had come over like a lost puppy the moment he heard that husky voice.

"Naruto," his voice brighter and his eyes sparkled at the sight of his crush. Though it quickly died out as the teen didn't look good. Taking but one step closer meant the blond scooted back.

"Stay away," Nara spoke menacingly keeping a protective arm in front of his best friend.

Kōnan was curious as to why they were treating Nagato by himself like that.
"What did you do?"

The sound of rain filled the space as the redhead contemplated the words he was about to utter.

"Go on!" She egged him.

"I-..Ki-Kissed him," he hesitantly confessed.

The blue haired bassist thought the two might have gotten in an argument. She was completely in shock upon hearing this and raised her hand slapping her childhood friend.

It was clear Naruto didn't want the kiss.
"You can't just go on about and kiss whomever you please!" The woman shouted.

"I didn't kiss anyone-...,"

"That's not the point. He's seeing someone, you dumbass!" She argued. But her point flew over his head.

"So what? He deserves to be with someone better!"

"You're a moron, Nagato. I'm talking about Naruto's feelings. Have you considered them at all?" She was about ready to hit him again. "And you!" She turned to her own boyfriend, her glare punching holes in his body. "I'll deal with you later."

Her knuckles cracked as she formed a tighter fist with her hands. Yāhiko gulped.

Nagato's hand was still on his throbbing cheek. His eyes landing on Naruto's; only now understanding the fear that resided in those ocean-like eyes.

"Are you alright?" Kōnan asked the blond. The latter simply gave her a nod.

The redhead almost ran away from the scene, denying the pain he had accidentally caused his first ever crush.

Naruto didn't want to hear Nagato speak for this very reason. He didn't want to hear an explanation. He didn't want to put other people's feelings ahead of his.

It was difficult being selfish. It was hard putting himself ahead of others, or not caring when he sees someone in pain.

He hugged his legs closer, resting his head on his knees.
"Shikamaru, I can't do it." He mumbled.

The Nara exasperated, not even surprised. Shikamaru couldn't begin to imagine what it was like knowingly pushing himself in the arms of Orochimaru and putting on a façade for everyone.

The pain he must have silently endured. The tears he must have cried to himself whilst simultaneously shouldering a burden he shouldn't have even forced himself to carry.

As Shikamaru helped him up the stairs to see Nagato. He kept looking at his best friend; who was unable to give himself half the attention and kindness everyone received from him.

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