17. Uzumaki Kurama

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Things were moving relatively well between Sasuke and Naruto.
The blond would give him a ride from and to school, they usually spent afternoons together.

But with spending more time with the idiot, meant his feelings were getting stronger. He even had dreams about Naruto.

Not just any kind of dreams.


He didn't want to think more of it. It was rather normal. He was a teenager, with all the hormonal changes that his therapy played into as well, wet dreams were rather a normal occurrence to him.

The dreams were not always sexual or erotic in nature but that still didn't stop it from happening.

Naruto had gotten early as usual and placed Sasuke's school uniform on the chair.
"Teme, better wake up so you can get ready in time" the blond nudged him.

Sasuke grunted and opened his eyes sleepily "Usuratonkachi?" he mumbled thinking it was nothing but a dream.

"Who are you calling a thin hammer, bastard!? You're the idiot!" Naruto yelled, that was enough to make Sasuke aware it was all real.


"Your brother went to work and I came to pick you up. Your clothes are on the chair" he pointed "and I'll be in the kitchen making you breakfast. You have ten minutes to get dressed"

And just like that Sasuke was alone in the bedroom. He got up and got ready for the day then got dressed.

As soon as he opened the door and the smell of food hit him he rushed to the bathroom. It had to be just one of those days.

Naruto turned off the stove when he heard the running steps. "Sasuke?" He walked to the room, hearing him throw up.
A minute later, he got out of the bathroom leaning on the wall.

Sasuke felt the warm touch on his forehead.
"I'm okay...just a bad morning" he stated. It wasn't the first time Naruto had seen him in this state. In fact, his blond friend was always with him on bad days, looking after him.

"I can call Tou-san and let him know we're not coming, if you like" Naruto wrapped an arm around Sasuke and helped him to bed.

"It's fine...I'll be fine" he reassured the blond who seemed to have that concern again. Sasuke didn't want to miss more of school, with exams only a couple of weeks away, he wanted to ace them.

Naruto nodded, "just sit next to the window. The fresh air will help. I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay" Sasuke didn't have much of a saying in that but he heard Naruto leave the apartment altogether. He could see him from the window run over to one of the convenience stores across the street, then a couple minutes later he was back in.

"Hope I didn't take long" Naruto got the Onigiri out of the plastic bag. "They're cold so you can-..."

Sasuke seemed to smile when he saw he brought exactly his favourite type of Onigiri Okaka.
"Thank you" he took one and opened the package then slowly ate it.

"Ha...you're welcome...I guess" Naruto blushed having seen that smile again so up close. "I brought you some cold ginger tea as well"


"I told you-..."

"What am I to you?" He continued not waiting for Naruto to protest. "Do you think of me as your friend?" He desperately wanted an answer. It was driving him crazy.

It was stupid of him to want a relationship but he did want it. He wanted to feel loved.
The silence that followed was no more than a second but it felt lik an eternity to the raven.

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