40. Silent Suffering

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Kurama isolated himself. He stayed at some hotel, his phone turned off at all times.

He'd go to the lab, work all day and then back at the hotel. He was already looking into finding a place for himself. He didn't care about Itachi, Sasuke, their parents or even his own brother.

Dating Mitarashi Anko was a mistake. Telling her anything about him was a bigger mistake.

He cried himself to sleep again. If only Itachi let it go like he asked him to; then they wouldn't have broken up.

That morning when he got to work, he saw a familiar car in the parking lot.
"Fuck me" he turned around to leave but there he was. "Whatever you'll say, save it"

"We've been worried sick about you." The blond's eyes demanded comfort. His brother walked away from him.
"You're ignoring me too?" Naruto was broken.

"You're gonna ask why we broke up-..."

"I'm not gonna ask. I just don't want you to shut me off." Naruto interrupted. "You haven't returned our texts or calls. You can't just do that shit, Kurama! You can't just disappear for days on end. We talked about this!" He ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath out. He really didn't need this added to his already full plate of stressful events.

"Is he still there?"

"Yeah he's still there, Kurama. He-..." Naruto cleared his throat. "Kaasan isn't letting him go in that state."

"Then I'm not going back. I'll turn on my phone to talk with Kakashi and Iruka. I don't wanna see him, hear him or have him mentioned to me after this talk. Otherwise, Naruto..." He glanced at his brother, too angry to think straight "I'm leaving for good."

"Okay...okay..." Naruto answered quickly afraid his brother would leave him. "Whatever you want, just don't go." He held his brother's bandaged hand. Those words cut through his reality sharper than any blade. "Can I...Can I get a hug?" He said in between broken breaths, already starting to hyperventilate.

Seeing Naruto that vulnerable opened up the redhead's eyes. The words he so angrily uttered in that moment must have been the stupidest and most selfish thing to say.
Kurama wrapped his arms around the teen. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that."

"Don't- leave-..." He cried softly.

"I won't. I won't. I'm so sorry Naruto." Kurama held him tighter regretting the words he said. Why would he allow anyone to come between him and his own sibling again? "I didn't mean it. I was just angry"

Naruto didn't say anything. Even if Kurama apologized, the blond already had a fear of his sibling walking out on him. If he said it while angry, he'd definitely do it too.

He had done it before, years ago.
He had done it a couple of weeks ago; disappeared for two whole weeks and was still planning to ignore Naruto hadn't the latter anticipated that reaction.

"I c-c-can't-...b-br-brreathe" the blond stammered, lightheadedness soon followed.

Kurama eased the teen on his knees. "Okay, Naruto focus on my voice. Hold your breath, count to ten and exhale slowly."

But Naruto couldn't hold his breath that long the first time. It was only a couple seconds before he had to exhale. He looked at Kurama's dark lavender eyes full of tears that were denied exit. The doctor breathed with him slowly. It took a couple minutes but he finally had control.

"That's it. Nice and easy" Kurama kissed the blond's forehead and pulled him again for a hug. "Let's get you home"

"Aniki, I want to stay with you" Naruto weakly held on to to Kurama. What were the chances the redhead would just leave him for good?

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