35. The Meltdown

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They were still sitting around and catching up. Sai, Hinata and Ino have all left after the meal but a little annoying someone just had to stay.
The more Sasuke told himself he was Naruto's boyfriend, the more Shikamaru's friendly gestures appeared as something more.

Maybe he was just reading too much into it but Shikamaru was everything he wasn't and Naruto... Naruto seemed oblivious to his best friend's flirting simply because it only existed in Sasuke's head.

The only thing that did stop the endless conversation was the blond's phone. It was a text from his brother.
"You have fifteen minutes to bring him back to the hospital"

Naruto felt a shiver down his spine hearing his brother's voice in his head.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost" Shikamaru chuckled.

"If I don't take Sasuke back in fifteen minutes, I will be a ghost. Kurama is pissed" Naruto typed at his phone that they're on their way.

"Well tonight was fun...nice seeing you..all that bullshit...whatever" Sasuke spoke in a monotone and walked out.

"Sorry Shikamaru...he's just being Sasuke. Really gotta go before my own brother kills me. See you!" Naruto walked right after him, unlocked the car opening the door for him.

The raven got in quietly, buckled up and stared at the window, the fiery sunset was over and the dark blue sky was quickly replacing the beautiful colours. He could feel Naruto's eyes on him every once in a while, as the teen drove them back to the hospital, but he didn't give him the satisfaction of looking back at him.

"Sasuke, what's up?" Naruto wondered only to get the cold shoulder. "Teme?"


"Something is if you're like this" Naruto sighed.

"Like what?" Sasuke glared.

"Aggressive" Naruto shot back as he parked the car. "Sasuke-..." His words left unspoken when the raven got out. "at least tell me what I did wrong." He followed his boyfriend like a lost puppy begging for love.

They got to the entrance where Kurama was waiting.
"Naruto, this has got to be one of the stupidest things you have ever done." He didn't raise his voice but the blond lowered his head knowing Kurama was angry. "And you" the redhead looked at Sasuke "you should have known better."

"I'm sorry, Aniki-..."

"Go wait in the car. I'll deal with you later" Kurama walked after Sasuke to his room and checked on him. "You're both idiots" the redhead mumbled loud enough for Sasuke to hear.

"It was a moment of weakness. Wasn't worth it" Sasuke sighed. He winced feeling the needle in his arm as Kurama drew blood. "You're not gonna ask why?"

"Nope. Asking is pointless, because you'll say it's nothing when obviously it's something. And I am neither in a mood nor have the patience to deal with that bullshit." The doctor finished up. "You're getting the first shot tomorrow and we'll see how it goes"

"Okay" Sasuke took a deep breath. He thought Kurama was not in a good mood for the same reason Naruto was distressed that morning. "I'm sorry...about your mom"

"My mom?" Kurama raised an eyebrow "what are you talking about?"

"Weren't you with Naruto this morning?"

"Answer the goddamned question" Kurama tried to keep his anger in check. He thought something happened to Iruka while he was away. Kurama may have never called the couple mom or dad to their face but he thought of them that way.

"He told me about your mom's ovarian cancer." Sasuke replied quickly.

"Oh..." Kurama got the vials, seemingly calmer "he didn't know about that?" He thought out loud but the raven still shook his head. "How did he take it?"

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