39. Love and Heartbreak

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"I'm ready if you are" Sasuke said. He didn't expect it to happen this way but he didn't know how else to approach the matter.

Everything about relationships was new to him and Naruto never really made any sexual advances towards him other than long make out sessions.
"I made it awkward again" Sasuke retrieved his hand.

"You didn't... I don't want you to think I'm doing this just to get in your pants...the timing of it makes me feel guilty." Naruto chuckled at how absurd that thought was. He was nervous all of a sudden. "It's good to know you're ready..."

Sasuke kissed him, he knew a 'but' was sure to follow and he didn't want to hear it. The sound of nature surrounded them, the waterfall hushed in the background. The two teens were caught up in the moment, kissing but slowly backing to the bedroom.

They were soaked from head to toe, so undressing was not an easy feat specially that the wet clothes stuck to their skin.
An eternity later, they were both half naked.

At that point all thoughts were non-existing. Because Sasuke had seen Naruto's implanted port for the first time and he only kissed Naruto some more, overtaken by lust.

Everything he had seen in cheesy romcom movies. All the descriptions about how the first time is the best thing ever well...

they're not true.

They were all slippery from using too much lube, too horny and too excited. And the next thing Sasuke knows, he came after two pumps in.

It was awkward.

Naruto was looking at him with knowing eyes. The silence was sharp.
He wanted to avoid looking into Naruto any longer than he had to so he just pulled away and embarrassingly left the bed.

The awkwardness nestled between them.

Naruto got himself up after he processed what just happened. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?"

"Only if we forget this ever happened" Sasuke begged from behind the door. But Naruto opened it, still fully naked.

Now that he wasn't as horny, he could see just how underweight Naruto was. The blond's bones were visible.
"You know the first time is like the most awkward thing ever, right?"

"Was your first time awkward?" He asked.

And that's when Naruto realized, Sasuke had no idea. So he chuckled.
"Yeah, my boyfriend came in like two seconds and then ran off" he teased.

The raven blushed catching up to what he was being told and hit Naruto playfully. "Jerk!"

Naruto laughed. "Come on, lighten up. It's only as awkward as we want it to be" he pulled Sasuke closer. "I'm taking the lead this time"


"Don't worry it'll only take 2.2 seconds." He chuckled.

Sasuke just covered his face from embarrassment.
"I hate you" he mumbled which only lead to more laughter from the blond.


Naruto watched as Sasuke slept on top of him peacefully. After that awkward mess of a first time, it wasn't so bad.

In fact, it was everything he imagined it to be.
Sharing himself with someone else like that was indeed magical.
Ironically if he were told to describe it, he'd say it was a blur. A hazy mess of groans, moans and laboured breaths, lusty eyes staring at one another, the feeling of sweaty sticky skin against skin and then pure ecstasy.

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