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The Moon

She stood still; staring from the edge of the cliff. The Sun was setting behind the blue colour of the ocean. Its fiery flames extinguished by water; an eternal fight between light and darkness. No matter how much she wished for eternal light, darkness always prevailed at the end of the day.

She watched the sunset with an aching heart. The look on her face was that of fear and terror. She was afraid it would stay dark forever. Her eyes watering as she reached over to touch the Sun. Only the faintest of sun rays warming the tips of her fingers for a fraction of a second before blackness took over; a lover's goodbye kiss to a paramour heading off to war.

She waited every day at the edge of that cliff. She waited for the first moments of sunrise, for the night felt endless. And in a moonless world, a starless world; there was nothing to light her path.

So she waited and waited with eagerness for that point in time where she can breathe with ease, where she can no longer shiver from the coldness of night.

That night, however, she swore that if morning arose she will no longer wait. She swore that she would take matters into her own hands and fight like her faithful Sun had always fought to meet her every morning.

Morning came like it always did. She had been awake anticipating the Sun's emergence from the ocean. She smiled as her bright Sun has triumphed in another battle with the monsters in the deepest parts of the salty water.

Her happiness did not last long, realizing that the start of this new day meant the beginning of her own struggles.
When she felt the warmth of the day her worries washed away, she had the Sun by her side. She'd been alone for so long before she finally found a savior of her own.

She gathered her sleeping bag and carried her book in the small backpack she put on. Apart from a long staff she often leaned on for support, she had no weapons and nothing to fend for herself.

She climbed down for hours, her throat dry as the desert. But, she did not stop; she remembered how day always came. How the Sun always fought to meet her every day. Admittedly she had nowhere to go to.

There was nothing but the sounds of the monsters lurking around. If it weren't for the whiff of fresh air that gently brushed her silver hair off of her face from time to time; she would have thought she was in hell.

She looked up at the blue sky, smiling as her only friend followed her. It didn't leave her alone, It protected her and she could carry on her journey with no worries. It gave her strength she did not know she had. So she continued. She felt untouchable.

However, day was coming to an end. She was at strange grounds for the first time in her life. She was experiencing something new. She knew she could no longer watch her dearest set. So she reached for the Sun "Tomorrow we shall meet again my love", the rays kissed her hand as the Sun itself bid farewell to the only person It arose for.

It disappeared behind the hills; the sky remained lighted for a while before shades of dark blue slowly crept in and painted the sky with new colours claiming it as theirs.

The noises had gotten louder; she had to survive until the break of dawn. Back on her cliff, she was safe. They couldn't reach her, but now she was on their turf and there was nowhere to escape.

Her light wasn't there, It was fighting Its battles and she has to fight hers. Her staff had become more than just a supporting piece of wood. It became her weapon against the shadow creatures.

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