34. The Wish

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Naruto wondered how far his paper airplane had travelled after that sudden gast of wind. As sad as he was right then, the thought his paper airplane was gone forever made him smile.

The blond texted his parents reassuringly before he walked to his car and drove off to the hospital. He had pretty much spent the entire morning at the clinic when he promised Sasuke to be by his side.

Naruto's mind was too foggy to think of lies to tell the raven and his heart too burdened to fake a smile. More than that, he wasn't feeling well enough to fake being okay. He still felt closed off, a sense of doom loomed in his mind and all happy thoughts suddenly abandoned him.

The view that greeted him when he opened the door to Sasuke's room, did not help at all.

Sasuke was sitting on bed with a soft smile on his face. In his pale hands, was the same paper airplane Naruto had desperately wished upon.
"Usuratonkachi" Sasuke called again. He glanced at Naruto who seemed to be stuck in a moment in time, his eyes fixated on the brown plane. "Do you like it? What am I saying? You're like a kid..of course you like it" he got out of the bed and walked to Naruto. "It sort of just attacked me out of nowhere." He chuckled, keeping an eye on it. It was pretty well-made. He was no paper airplane expert and he hated to admit but he liked it for an unknown reason.

"Sasuke, you won't believe me if I told you" Naruto mumbled. He got what he wished for but he realized he really didn't want this answer. It was fine earlier when he thought the paper airplane was gone for good.

It started overwhelming him again but his legs refused to move as if they were bolted in that position for all eternity. The sound of the birds outside quieted down and as Sasuke approached him, only the sound of his own heartbeat racing filled his ears.

"Believe what?" He finally faced the blond. His boyfriend didn't look okay. The tanned teen was pale, his silky pink plump lips were dusty, his lively eyes tired and heavy and his otherwise calm breathing got fast.

But he didn't have time to ask what was wrong, because the ever so joyful Naruto collapsed. Sasuke felt his heart out of his ribcage as Naruto's body met the white tiled floor, He could only shout for help watching Naruto hyperventilate.

It took a minute -maybe less- for said help to get there but it felt like forever.
Especially that Sasuke didn't know why Naruto was all of a sudden like this.

The blond closed his eyes as the tears escaped them. This wasn't the first full blown panic attack he has in front of Sasuke. Naruto had gotten better through the years at keeping his emotions under control but just every once in a while, things would prove too much to handle. That's why he didn't like overthinking. Saying it stressed him out would be an understatement.

The doctor kept holding the hyperventilation mask on the teen's face seeing his breathing calm gradually. Until Naruto himself reached to remove it.
He heard the doctor ask Sasuke about his name.
"Uzumaki Naruto...my name's Uzumaki Naruto" he answered for himself.

The doctor went on to do a standard check-up before helping him sit up. "Take a deep breath for me, is this the first time?" He placed the stethoscope on Naruto's chest.

Naruto took the breath that broke midway. "No... I- just ne-ed to get out" he held the mask back as he felt himself about to break again.

Sasuke didn't wait nor expect Naruto to ask so he stayed by his side as they went out. It was a beautiful calm summer afternoon. The garden was occupied by patients for once. So the blond opted to go to the empty parking lot.

The raven didn't know what to ask, or rather say how to ask. He wanted to know what was wrong but 'what happened?' 'are you okay?' 'How did your doctor visit go?' And many other iterations that could provide him that information all meant agitating his very unstable boyfriend. So he opted to say nothing.

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