73. The Honeymoon (Part 2)

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Sasuke fixed the parasol so it was shielding Naruto from the sun. The blond was sleeping on a padded chaise lounge. A thin blanket draped over him.

"Naru," Sasuke knelt by his side, his fingers moving the damp hair off of his husband's face. The blue eyes opened heavily, "if the pain gets worse, let me know okay?"

"Mhm," the affirmation was barely above a whisper. He cuddled to his plushie as he drifted back to sleep.

Sasuke had brought his own lounging chair closer to Naruto's. He dampened the small towel placing it on the blond's forehead.

He woke him up regularly to get him to drink. And he decided to make him a soup since Naruto didn't particularly seem to have energy for chewing.

The maids felt rather useless watching the raven occupy the kitchen. Whilst they have cleaned the property in its fullest, this is nowhere near how busy they would get with normal tenants.

The master bedroom wasn't a mess and there surprisingly weren't any broken things badly hidden from sight. Even the two teens were quite respectful towards them. Which was not foreign, but almost rare.

They felt awkward, not knowing what to do with themselves.

They watched as the raven left the pot on the stove going to check on Naruto again.

The one responsible for the kitchen had quickly assumed her position, not wanting the food to burn.

The other two kept an eye on the situation, in case they'd be needed.

Sasuke had brought Naruto back inside as it was closing in to midday, the afternoon blazing sun wouldn't do him any good, even with the parasol shielding him.

He prompted the blond's body in a sitting position on the sofa. He gently woke him up to give him his meds before laying him back down.
"How are you feeling?"

Naruto looked at his raven, "you didn't tan,"

Sasuke chuckled as that was the focus of his husband's attention. "Was I supposed to tan and not take care of you?"

"Sort of..." The blond confessed with a pout.

"At least you're well enough to be overdramatic," he leaned in giving him a kiss. "It's ridiculous of you to think I'd spend my time doing anything but look after you...." He got lost in those ocean blue eyes. "So answer my question, how are you feeling?"

"Okay," Naruto replied bringing his plush closer inhaling it's sudden sweet aroma that surprisingly always remained.


The blond shook his head. He didn't particularly feel any better than when he first woke up that morning.

"Worse?" Sasuke frowned.

"No, just same." He forced himself to sit up. He noticed his answer had somewhat eased his husband but hadn't exactly relieved his worries. "I'm sure I'll be all better after lunch."

Sasuke's eyes widened remembering the food he left on the stove. "oh shit!" He rushed to the kitchen finding the maid taking care of it.

"Teme?" Naruto followed him in small steps. "Is everything okay?"

"Ha, everything is..." Sasuke wrapped an arm around Naruto bringing him to the kitchen bar counter. "I forgot our food on the stove. But I also forgot we had help around the house." He blushed realizing they've been there the whole time.

Naruto smiled as the trio prepped their table pretty quickly, served them, then stood in the corner. "This is weird,"

"I would say," Sasuke wasn't used to this either.

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