41. Honesty

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Parents, Kurama came to find out, don't seem to really care about age when it comes to reprimanding a child.

There he was, a grown-ass man, getting yelled at by his parents. But when he would usually get angry and yell back at them, he was quiet...reserved and calm.

"I'm getting help." Kurama dropped the bomb on them.

"Getting help foooooorrr?" Iruka fished for an answer.

"My traumatic childhood." He found himself hugged by Iruka. "I did not give consent for this hug"

"Sorry...sorry I'm just so proud of you. This is big step" the mother pulled not wanting to make him uncomfortable. But the redhead was already blushing.

"I mean I'll see how it goes...just better not be an idiot who keeps asking me how things make me feel. God knows I'll-..."

"Kura, I'm coming with you-.."

"Actually, Itachi is taking me so..." He cleared his throat.

Kakashi just ran his hand lovingly on the redhead's hair. He finally pieced out the puzzle even if Kurama didn't tell them. "I'll keep Iruka from intruding. You let us know how it goes though, okay?"

"Excuse me for caring" Iruka huffed sarcastically.

"You're excused" Kakashi teased him.

Kurama smiled seeing them be the adorable couple they've always been. "I love you guys so much"

"Awwww, come here you!" He opened his arms wide and hugged him.

Kurama enjoyed being in the loving arms of his parents. Hearing them tell him they loved him too just made him feel better equipped to open up to them about the past too.

He wants to make effort to deal with it not just ignore it. Because one can only ignore a matter so long before it comes to bite them back in the ass.

First that day he went to see Sasuke. Not as his doctor or the head of gene therapy research team but as family.
"Thought you'd be working right now" Kurama said as he saw his boyfriend sit there.

"I got fired. Which is fine...I was going to quit either ways so at least now I got a sweet severance check." He tried to be positive. "I'll look for something else"

"Their loss" Kurama studied Sasuke's room, noticing the little things. "I know where they need an extra hand. It's a small free clinic in Sapporo street. It's good pay, nice bonuses, the hours are better." He held a picture of Naruto and Sasuke together, must have been from the day they bungee jumped.

"A free clinic? In Sapporo no less?" Itachi asked in disbelief. That was the richest place in Konoha.

"Yeah, Naruto owns it. I never told you?" He put it back in place.

"No...this the first time I hear about this. How does Naruto own it?"

"Riiiight...loooooooong story" He cleared his throat. "Naruto used to help this old lady around all the time. And when she passed away, she named him sole heir. So he uses the money for charity. This hospital, the place in Sapporo street, food banks, scholarships," he shrugged "you name it he's probably done it."

"I thought this was owned by a company"

"No, it's his property. But he's allowing the company to manage it. It's a lot of money that goes into paying everyone, medical equipment and everything in between. Company gets reduced taxes in return of all the charitable work." He went to read Sasuke's chart out of habit.

"Sasuke knows about this?"

"I don't know." He dismissed the subject from continuing any longer. "He's responsive. That's good" Kurama didn't want to focus on the negative side but Itachi pointed it out.

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