In Another Time - Part 3

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Itachi was thankful for the couple glasses of wine as they worked wonders relaxing him. Next to him the boy just was texting.
"If you're talking to Sasuke, tell him to get some rest. He shouldn't be staying up late."

"Haaai," Naruto smiled and did as asked. "Teme ur brother says go to sleep."

"Since when do you follow rules?"

"Hey! I always follow rules! Besides I want u to get better so just do as told, okay?"

"Alright, Usuratonkachi. Are you coming to visit tomorrow?"

"I have something to take care of first. So, I'll come as soon as I'm free. Don't go out sneaking out of the hospital."

"I'll wait for you. I love you, Usuratonkachi."

"I love u too." He bit his lip, his cheeks burning a bright red colour. "gnight!"

"Hn, text me when you get home anyway okay?"

"Ok!" He read one more gnight wish from Sasuke and another I love you before he turned off the phone.

"He complained?" Itachi wondered.

"No, we just said goodnight." He smiled, "when is Sasuke going to get out of the hospital?"

"It's supposed to be tomorrow, but it might get extended due to him sneaking out."

"I'm sorry, dattebayo? I didn't know he was sick." Naruto frowned. "I know we met at a hospital, I thought he was volunteering like me,"
Naruto knew this was all a lie they came up with since it was easier than saying they dreamed of one another. But it didn't make him feel any less guilty for Sasuke getting hurt.

"Is that how you met?" Itachi asked and the blond nodded. "He's not fond of hospitals, so I understand why he didn't tell you." Itachi still found his sudden cardiac arrest too accidental. Especially when he asked Sasuke about taking potassium supplements. The younger teen said he never had any.

If there were no potassium supplements, it meant it wasn't a suicide attempt and there was no other physical cause to explain the sudden high rise of potassium levels in his blood.

And if that's the case, the empty bottle his adoptive parents gave him was bought by them to cover up for their attempt of murder.

"Naruto, your met Sasuke before his cardiac arrest right?" Itachi remembered that night and how Naruto was the first person Sasuke called.

"Ye-yeah," he gulped, "why?"

"Did he...did he seem suicidal to you? Did he say anything around mid-December? Like a text or an email or something..." He desperately held on to the blond.

"No, nothing of the sort. I didn't have a phone at the time dattebayo?" Naruto admitted and tried to remember the Sasuke from his dreams. "But he didn't seem suicidal. He was extremely nihilistic but that's all. Did he try to hurt himself?"

Itachi shook his head, "No, he didn't." He took Umino's card and texted the phone number in a hurry. The older Uchiha only wanted to get back to the hospital. Leaving his brother alone was dangerous.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Naruto has fallen asleep in the car not too long after. Few tears escaped his eyes as he had that dream where they parted again. Sasuke was full of conviction when he told him that wouldn't happen, but everytime Naruto closed his eyes he felt it was too real.

Kakashi was waiting outside when the clock hit 10PM, his husband had told him to wait just in case. At 10:20, a limo pulled outside the house. He looked as his sleepy son got out of it.
"A limo?"

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