37. The Story

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Kurama was early that day. He was still pissed the hospital took so long for some simple blood tests but it couldn't be helped. He saw everything normal while making his way to Sasuke's room.

"How's Naruto?" The raven asked the moment the redhead walked in.

"Sleeping." He replied going through the rest of the papers. "He seemed more relaxed yesterday, whatever you two talked about did him good" Kurama put the chart down. "You're all set."

"You're gonna do it now?" He looked at the big needle with wide eyes. He was explained the procedure before but not seeing everything in front of him made him freeze.

"I'll give you an anesthetic, you're not gonna feel it" Kurama reassured.

"That's not why I'm nervous" Sasuke took a deep breath. "Can I have a moment?"


Once the door closed, Sasuke reminded himself why he was doing this. Sure it was scary, but it could save his life and the lives of others like him.

Naruto wasn't there, Itachi wasn't there. This was all him.
Kurama watched him from the window, he saw the teen hold his brother's green dragon plush. From spending so much time with him, he was starting to understand Sasuke.

The doctor walked in silently. Sat down next to him and held his hand. "I asked Itachi to keep an eye on Naruto but...if you want I can call him over" Kurama knew his boyfriend was also scared about this, it's why Itachi was secretly thankful Kurama requested he stays.

"No, it's fine. I prefer Naruto isn't left alone. I'm just a bit scared"

"So am I" Kurama confessed. "It's part of being human but you can't let fear control you"

"Right. I'm overthinking again. It's a leap I just gotta take. I won't know otherwise" he took a couple more deep breaths before laying down and turning over.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Kurama put on the local anesthetic on Sasuke's lower back. "Count to three loudly for me then take a deep breath" he asked.

He did as asked and tensed anticipating the pain, he had biopsies under local anesthesia so many times. This was the first time it didn't hurt.
"We're almost done." Kurama gave the injection. "Need you to do the same thing but this time exhale instead"
Kurama withdrew the needle with Sasuke's exhale and applied pressure immediately.

"So why the breathing? No one had ever asked that of me before." Sasuke was curious.

"If I tell you, it won't work again" Kurama vaguely stated. He dressed the small wound "okay, now we just wait. If your immune system acts up it won't show for a few hours. But no need to be alarmed, the carrier of the gene mutation isn't something that makes you sick. And once they deliver those genes...the cancer cells will pretty much do the rest of the work for us."

"If this works, you'll be saving so many lives"

"This works but they're not approving it. Every time I deliver the work they keep sending us back to the testing phase. Apparently the lab had appealed a dozen time in my absence. So now we're doing a massive study, hopefully numbers will convince them" Kurama sighed. He knew this wasn't about numbers. No, this was about big greedy pharmaceutical companies.

"I hope it works out then," Sasuke stayed on his side. "So you're staying here with me? You don't have anything else to do on your shift?"

"I don't work for this hospital. But the lab has conventions with it and a few other places. Hence why I'm here. My job right now is you for the next 48 hours."

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