4. Housemates

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Naruto wanted to get out of bed but Shikamaru refused to help. His friend needed to rest, it's not like he could physically get out of bed.

"You accepted the gifts.." the teen reminded him.

"How many?" Naruto asked breathless, as he gave up his useless attempts to get out of bed.

"Ha...I didn't count them...but uhm..." He showed him car keys. "Congrats!"

"Shikamaru, this is not funny..."

"I find it entertaining..." he chuckled "I help an old lady and I get a piece of candy...you help an old lady and you get a house."

"Shikamaru" Naruto pouted "but I don't want all of these things"

"Big baby" he patted his friend's head "I'll get you that breakfast....it I can get to the kitchen"

"That many?" He started crying.

"Stop crying, we both know you'll end up just donating them," he got up and his friend held his hand

"Please help me downstairs, I wanna sit in the living room...please" his eyes big were heavy with tears. That was his one weakness, which Shikamaru had to admit, got him in a lot of trouble.

"Troublesome..." Shikamaru gave up and helped his friend downstairs. Naruto saw all boxes, different shapes and sizes. A large smart TV was the only one he could tell because it wasn't in any wrapping gift paper.

He sat him down on the couch, covered him with a blanket and left the keys of the brand new BMW parked outside.

Within minutes he brought him breakfast and fed him. He gave him the meds and sat down next to him.
For the following couple hours he did nothing but read his book as the blond friend peacefully slept, holding that red scarf as if his life depended on it.

He heard the key click, he smirked anticipating Iruka's reaction.
"Shikamaru, why is there a car in front of the house? Why is the hallway covered in boxes?"

Every single time something like this happened, Iruka would assume Shikamaru is spoiling Naruto with gifts. After all the Nara was the son of a multimillionaire. The genius who creates the best softwares in the world and of course only a genius would think so far ahead as to keep their identity a secret for the protection and normality of his family's lives.

"I'm innocent," he lazily replied.

"Iruka, calm down" Kakashi followed, the brunet would have raised his voice more hadn't he been reminded that Sasuke was still scarred from the events of this morning.

"Sorry...you just know how I feel about him being spoiled" Iruka stressed.

"He's not spoiled" Kakashi reminded him.

It was true, Naruto was far from spoiled. The teen didn't even have a phone and refused to accept anything that was remotely expensive for any occasion.

Sasuke just followed as Kakashi was behind him leading him to the living room. Iruka had thought he had seen the last of it until he saw the two mountains in the living room.

"Shikamaru" Iruka whined.

"I told you, it's not me" he put his book down since he wasn't going to be left alone.

"You brought him downstairs?" The man rushed to the teen and fixed his clothes.

"He gave me his puppy dog eyes..." He cleared his throat "anyways...the girl he helped, her dad brought all the gifts..."

"He wouldn't have accepted them" Iruka knew his son too well.

"In his defense...he thought it was only this scarf and the man said he would have been offended if he was denied"

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