In Another Time - part 4

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Sadako followed her husband into their youngest's bedroom. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"He had been sick most of his life. A cardiac arrest can be expected after the extensive therapy he went through" her husband, Asashi, said. "We can deny the autopsy, there's no reason for them to suspect it was an unnatural death anyways. It will work." He reassured her again.

They both looked at Sasuke who was sleeping. Sadako unbuttoned his pyjamas shirt to access the implanted port.

Asashi injected the liquid but to their luck, Sasuke had woken up before he could empty the entire confines of the syringe.

The raven sat up in confusion as he saw his father holding a syringe, "what are you doing?" He rubbed his eyes from the sleep. The room was too dark and he assumed he had only imagined the scene when waking up.

"We came to wake up you up. Itachi will be here in 5 minutes. Get dressed, let's not make him wait." Asashi said quickly before taking his wife away.

Sasuke got out of bed and was about to head to the bathroom when he noticed his shirt was open and that there was some liquid residue.

He turned on the lights and found the syringe right under his bed. They must have panicked when he started waking up. Sasuke didn't care that he would die. So he carefully bagged the evidence and took it with his clothes to the bathroom. He acted aloof, although he noticed his mother heading to the bedroom right after he left.

He got dressed quietly, and placed the bag in the one place he knew they would never care to check. Well no one but police investigating a murder. If he is going to die, he will make sure they get in jail for it.

When he came out of the bathroom, he started feeling dizzy.
"Sweetie pie, are you okay?" Sadako asked, acting unusually nice. Now she was worried it wasn't enough to kill him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He forced a smile as usual. "Is Itachi here yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Then I'll be in my bedroom until-..."

"Go eat, it might help your dizziness. Wouldn't want you fainting. You know how worried it would make Itachi," she said more sternly.

"Okay," he leaned against the wall as he walked downstairs. He couldn't believe she could look him in the eyes and act so coldly when she knew why he was actually feeling off.

"Hey big guy!" Itachi's smile left his face when he saw his brother leaning on the wall. "You okay? We don't need to go out if you're feeling off, Sasuke."

"I'm okay," he reassured him. "Just a bit dizzy. We have to at least celebrate today before you're too busy to see me again." He joked, tears glistened in his eyes. He'd be damned if he spends his last day in that bed near those psychopaths who'll pretend to care.

"Sasuke-..." Itachi couldn't help the bad feeling, the tightening in his chest. Seeing his brother act that way again. He wondered if Sasuke wasn't exaggerating and if they indeed had been mistreating him in his absence.

"Mum said I just need to eat something." The teen let his brother help him to the kitchen. "Thanks Itachi, for everything. And I'm sorry I'm always making you worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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