16. Sorry

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The house was quiet. The group of teenagers all slept in the living room after spending so much time talking together.

Yet again, Sasuke was least involved in the conversation. He only did stay there because he didn't want them finding out he lived with Naruto.

Late at night he found himself tossing and turning. It was almost 5 in the morning. He could hear soft snores from the rest of the teens.

He turned around seeing Naruto's face in the dim light. His mind flashed to earlier when Naruto won him the plush he was cuddling to right now.

It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside and he found himself smiling wide.

But his thought was interrupted when Naruto suddenly sat up, hand on his chest, his breathing broken and upon closer inspection obviously sweating.

Naruto tried to calm himself, the nightmares about Orochimaru were too real. They haunted him every night. He was awake now, there's no way he's getting back to sleep.

Sasuke hesitated for a while before he sat up.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Sa-Sasuke....did I wake you? I'm sorry" his hands trembled from fear. The other obviously tracing back to his neck in a wiping motion. He was trying to get rid of the traces of the kisses.

It's true Orochimaru didn't try anything with him at the end...but during the first few days, he'd kiss him, touch him wherever he pleased. Not to forget those times where-...

Naruto rushed to the bathroom as the all too familiar feeling presented itself.
He made it to the bathroom in time as he threw up.

Orochimaru didn't take his virginity.
And yeah...Naruto told Youhei that nothing much hapened.

But the reality was different. And as much as he denied it to everyone around him. Naruto couldn't deny it to himself.

Orochimaru fondled him, touched him where he didn't want to be touched. The man took away many of his firsts that he wanted to reserve to someone special.
Orochimaru sodomised him many times over.

He left him hickeys as marks for their 'love'.

It was painful. Even more painful because no matter how much he wanted to hate Orochimaru, he couldn't bring himself to.

No one had ever hurt him as much as Orochimaru had, but he couldn't hate him for it. There was a reason behind those actions. Whilst it didn't exactly make this behavior acceptable it sort of made sense.

Orochimaru was just another abused kid who never got over his pain.

Sasuke was knocking on the door for the past five minutes, only hearing Naruto's continuous retching. His questions were unanswered.

He was about to go call Kakashi or Iruka when the door flung open. Naruto looked like shit, the paleness of his skin contrasted with his usually tanned complexion. He unruly hair was damp and stuck to his face. His clothes were wet from all the sweat.

"Sasuke, can you grab my coat? I need to sit outside for a second" he leaned on the doorframe for support.

The raven did as asked and watched as the blond shuffled his way to the garden in the backyard.
He wore his own coat and followed finding him sitting on the swing chair outside.
"Should I get Iruka-san?"

"No, it's fine. It was just a nightmare" Naruto held on to his blanket as he brought it with him to stay extra warm.

"Can I get you something to drink then?"

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