58. Pain, Selfishness and Naivety

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A peaceful Sunday morning, the snow was not falling for once. The raven hadn't had much of sleep; how could he when Naruto was in pain?

He wiped the sweat off Naruto's brow and small smiled when he saw those lovely blue eyes look at him, as tired as they may be; they were at least open.
"Hey," he kissed his hand. "Are you still in pain?"

"Not as much." Naruto blatantly lied.

"Can you stomach anything? You haven't eaten much the last couple of days." Sasuke voiced his concern.

"Maybe later, I'm just tired." Naruto closed his eyes and fell asleep quite easily.

Sasuke kissed his lover's forehead before leaving the room.
He walked across the living room to the bedroom Izumi was occupying.

The bed was a mess, clothes were all over the floor and quite honestly Sasuke didn't give a damn.

Izumi was laying on the bed on top of messy sheets. Sasuke nudged the brunet who was as useless as tits on a bull.

"What?" The man groaned.

"I need you to keep an eye on Naruto, I'm going to the store to get groceries since you can't. I'll take 30 minutes maximum." Sasuke sighed as the idiot simply rolled to the other side. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah...Yeah I got it." Izumi ushered himself out of bed and walked to Naruto's just to avoid being nagged.

He sat down looking at the master bedroom. He found it unfair their room was much bigger than his.
It was better organized than last time he had seen it a week ago.

Naruto laid on the bed cuddling to the pale Dango Izumi remembered the blond holding the day of the funeral.
His tired blue eyes opened when he heard the door.
"Izumi?" He called out worried his cousin had gotten out again.

"I'm right here," the man spoke nonchalantly. He stared at his fingers. "Your fiancé went grocery shopping. Are you feeling better?"

Naruto held on to Dango-san tighter as the pain intensified. The blond had found the empty Oxycodone bottle last night when he needed a pill for the pain. He knew Izumi took them but he didn't say a word.

If Sasuke caught wind of this; he'd call the police. They didn't need to fan the fires that Naruto had barely gotten under control.

So he beared with the twisting achiness of his insides that left him breathless, sweaty and barely conscious.
He'd grit his teeth together to avoid screaming but some whimpers escaped his lips nonetheless.

Izumi gulped: he had never seen anyone in so much pain.
"Can I get you anything?" He asked out of concern.

"Get me what? You took them." Naruto said in between heavy breaths. Tears glistened in his eyes and shortly after rolled to the side staining the pillow.

Izumi still had the audacity to lie and say he didn't know what his cousin meant. Naruto didn't bother. It was pointless to waste the little amount of energy he had bickering with a selfish man.

But the pain, within minutes, sharpened more to the point where Naruto had lost consciousness altogether.

The man heard the doorbell and answered meeting a certain redhead's unentertained glare.
Kurama had walked in uninvited; behind him a raven that much resembled Naruto's fiancé.
"Where's duckbutt?"


"Sasuke, where's he?" Itachi repeated with a soft friendly smile.


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