50. Music, Fallacy and Innocence

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The words he had read on his phone, just before he was confronted by the blond and ended up in this embrace, still played on his head.
"I want to give us a second chance"

That was the text Naruto meant. And although it was followed by many messages of 'never mind' and 'shouldn't have said anything' Naruto did want to give them a second chance.

"Sasuke, is your boyfriend here-..." Jiraiya stopped as he saw them. 'blond' "Oh...I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Boyfriend?" Naruto pulled, feeling suspicious.

"He means you," Sasuke blushed confessing to referring to him as boyfriend even though they technically were not back together.

"Ha.." the blond couldn't hide his joy though. "That would be me, dattebayo?" he squeezed Sasuke's hand; excited to have that title back.

"Why am I waiting for you to introduce him still...you have no manners" Jiraiya sighed. 'blue eyes, same infectious smile, same verbal tic. So it is him.'

"Says the pervert" Sasuke rolls his eyes.

"I'm not a pervert." Jiraiya composed himself "Ōgata Jiraiya, owner of this humble shop. Pleasure to finally meet you. Sasuke talks about you all day every day"

"Uzumaki Naruto, pleasure is mine, Ōgata-san" Naruto bowed and looked at his tomato of a boyfriend. He chuckled.
"Do you?" He asked the raven.

"Not all day" he said in his defense and only got a kiss on the cheek.

"Sasuke told me you play. He praised you so much I'm intrigued to see this unique style of yours" Jiraiya smiled.

"You kind of...don't have any guitars here for a guitar shop" Naruto chuckled.

"I blame your boyfriend. I was fully stocked until he entered my life. I'll get one from the back." The old man walked away.

"You're welcome!" Sasuke shouted at him. "That's his way of saying thank-.." he finally felt those soft velvety lips on his.

Naruto kissed him passionately. He'd have kissed him earlier if their moment wasn't interrupted.
"Don't leave me again" he whispered to Sasuke's lips.

"Never. I'd never ever leave you ever again." He kissed him again and small smiled as Naruto hugged him tight.

"Good" the blond pulled quickly and wiped his tears. The glimmer was somewhat back in his blue eyes. It made Sasuke happy.

"So I got a hybrid. I don't know your preferred genre is" Jiraiya had brought out a very specific guitar. One that he had never touched. A one of a kind that he wanted Naruto to be the first to play. He went on to plug the amp.

"What's a hybrid?" Sasuke asked.

"You work at a guitar shop" Naruto laughed. "It's exactly what it means a mix of two guitars. That's an electro-acoustic guitar from the looks of it. Quite a fancy one if I say so myself" Naruto held it and strummed it, not using the tuner on the side as he just tuned it by ear. He liked that the wood didn't have any silicone finish on it.

"I think I'm hiring Naruto instead" Jiraiya joked.

"You wish" Sasuke glared at the white haired man.

Naruto strummed and did a simple percussion pattern after it was plugged to the amp. "What do you wanna hear?"

"Your sound" Jiraiya replied "whatever you feel like playing."

"Sure, but it'll take some time." Naruto started playing the beginning of Moonlight sonata for warmup.

"Jiraiya, here for the goodies" a girl with blue hair walked in. She had piercings on her underlip, nose, a number on her ears. Her arms were heavily tattooed. She strode in confidently but she still looked quite uncomfortable in front of the two teens due to the looks they have both given her.

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