64. The Missing Ring

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Sasuke cuddled to his sleeping fiancé. He couldn't face his soon to be in-laws with the truth. He and Naruto were getting married in a matter of days.

He pondered on why the blond would keep away such a crucial piece of information. But the more he thought about it, the more the undeniable harsh reality settled in.

Sleep abandoned him. He pulled away from the loving embrace of his paramour.

He Sat in the welcoming arms of darkness with an aching heart.

Sasuke had been denying it for so long. No matter how much Naruto hinted at their limited time together; Sasuke always deluded himself that they'd grow old together.

His hand covered his mouth to muffle his crying.

Was he just destined to never be happy? What cruel gods would ever make him go through so much pain his entire life, only to find love and happiness then have it ripped away from him.

If Naruto is taken away from him; there is nothing left. No one could ever replace the Uzumaki who saved him from the depths of self-hatred.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke." Naruto wrapped his arms around the raven. He could hear the dark-haired teen cry despite the latter's desperate attempts to be quiet.

The scrawny arms of Naruto softly tightened as he rested his chin on Sasuke's shoulder; hugging him from behind.
"You're getting worse, aren't you? That's why you want the wedding to be this Thursday. That's why you haven't told your parents or...me" Sasuke's anger was evident in his tone.

Though the harshness of his tone hadn't pushed his lover enough to let go. Au contraire, Naruto held him tighter.
"Yeah," he gulped after his reaffirmation.

"When were you planning to tell me?"

"Earlier when you said it wasn't the time." Naruto clarified. "I've found out about a week or so. And-..." The blond stopped speaking when he heard Sasuke's uncontrollable crying.

"Naruto, please don't...don't do this to me...I can't-..." The rest of his words were incomprehensible as his emotions took control.

The blond bit his lip, tears silently streamed down his face and he found himself continuously apologizing.

The loud crying woke the couple sleeping in the main bedroom.
Kakashi was first to knock and walk in,

The raven was obviously in the middle of a mental breakdown, the words he yelled in anger at Naruto were intelligible to the man who just woke up.

But the blond seemed to understand what was being said and only looked at Sasuke in confusion.
"You-..." Naruto didn't argue as much as what he was told hurt him.

He simply left the bedroom not acknowledging his parents. Iruka followed his son hot on his heels.

"Naruto, sweetie, hold up." The adult was able to reach his son before the latter got to the garden. "What's going on?"

The blond refused to look at his mother. Only his tears continuously streamed down his face.
"I made a terrible mistake, Kaa-san. I shouldn't gotten have romantically involved with anyone. I regret ever falling in love."

"Sweetie did you argue? You can't just break up every time there's an argument." Iruka patted Naruto's back.

"Sasuke broke off the engagement." Naruto yanked his hand off of his mother's hold and walked away to the garden.

Iruka was left there dumbfounded. What could be so big that would cause Sasuke to take it so far?

The blond sat on the egg-shaped swing in the garden.

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