65. Realization

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Izumi heaved a sigh of relief. Things were getting better.
Slowly but surely. Although, it would be a lie if he said temptation didn't dance in front of him constantly.

Naruto knocked softly.
"Hey, will you be alright by yourself today?"

The man turned around quick and forced a smile nodding. Drying his sweaty hands on his pants.
"Lawyers said there's nothing to worry about."

"And yet you're worried" Naruto noted. It was obvious. "Something in particular bothering you?"

Izumi shook his head. How could he trouble the blond, who stuck by his side, even more?
"Thanks, Naruto, for everything." He hugged the younger teen. "I don't know what I would have done if it weren't for you." He small smiled.

"Any time, Izu." Naruto smiled back and watched him leave.

The apartment fell into a deep silence. He stood there basking in it.

It was just him, the sound of his beating heart filled his ears, his lonely thoughts ran around freely.
For these very reasons, Naruto despised being alone at home.

Sasuke told him he wasn't going to take long but he's not even back yet.

Maybe he fought with Sakura.



Did she really steal his engagement ring?

Did she lie about everything she said that night?

A small ping brought him back to reality.

He saw a text from Sasuke and that numbed his worries for the time being.

He grabbed his coat and left the confines to meet his lover just like he was asked in the text.

Sasuke had prepared a surprise for him and that was all he could think about. Maybe he found the engagement ring.

That had to be it.

Hopping in the car, he asked his driver to take him to the designated address.

He got to the park and walked in by himself, allowing his driver to go home. His eyes scanning for his Fiancé just when another text appeared.

He didn't have time to read it in it's entirety. Because he was interrupted by one Pinkette.

"Naruto-kun?" She touched his shoulder.

The blond turned around. "Ah, Sakura-chan. Have you seen Sasuke?"

"Ha, earlier this morning. He came to the bakery for the ring I found. I didn't know it was yours by the way. I just assumed whoever it belonged to, I was bound to see a post about it online."

"Oh.." he smiled wide. "It's okay, dattebayo!" All his worries washed away, "he told me to meet him here. But-.." he reached for his phone to read the last text again. "He probably went to prepare something cheesy." He smiled to himself thinking of Sasuke some more.

Naruto told himself he could wait as requested by his Fiancé. He sat down on the bench.

"Awww, isn't that sweet? Do you mind me keeping you company?"

"Mhm? No, not at all. Thanks by the way, I was really nervous. I'm a bit superstitious....and I thought this was...a big sign from the universe to not go through with the wedding." He chuckled nervously. "I would have probably postponed it until we found it."

Sakura's own impatience ruined her chances. Where she stood now was the point of no return.
She kept a plastered smile on her face as he spoke.
"Thanks...for not telling on me." She monotonously spoke.

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