8. The Snake and The Toad Part 1

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Naruto looked at the rest of the teens as they kept a fair distance away from them both.

The person with the evil smirk in front of him was nothing short of sinister.
He did a medical exam. He was a doctor but saving people wasn't for him.

"Perhaps not as defective as I thought after all..." He smirked "So unfortunate..." He ran his finger on Naruto's cheek again. "Lose the clothes"

"Wha-what?" Naruto moved away "No, that's not going to happen. I'm getting out of here" he stood up still not controlling his legs so he wobbled and struggled to remain standing.

"This is why Lord Orochimaru doesn't fancy blonds so much....they're harder to tame" Kabuto had walked in front of Naruto and raised his hand to slap the blond. He would have loved to beat him up but he didn't want any marks left on the boy.

Naruto blocked his arm glaring right at the person in front of him. If he wasn't still drugged he'd have fought. But, his legs wobbled again and he fell.
Kabuto's anger boiled and he but all was going to punch him until he lost unconsciousness.

The only thing that did stop him was the sound of shoes clicking on the tile floor.
"Kabuto, I hope you are playing nice" his master's voice spoke.
The teens were coming his way when he just swatted them away with his hand showing no interest in getting their attention. "Where is my blondie?"

"Over here Orochimaru-sama" Kabuto smirked "he wants to leave"

"Does he now?" He got on his knees in front of the teen "why do you wish to leave me? I can give you the world, make you the richest person ever"

"I don't want your money" Naruto spoke with conviction. They were the truest words the adult had heard anyone speak.

Orochimaru lost any self control he had, leaning in and kissing the teen. There was something about the teen's eyes that just drove Orochimaru over the edge. He was looking at innocence itself and he wanted it to be his.

Naruto didn't have a saying in the kiss, he had no control over his body and the stranger was physically stronger. His mouth was violated by Orochimaru's tongue that took freedom in probing Naruto's oral cavity.

"Leave us" Orochimaru ordered, pulling away.

"Hai," Kabuto had taken the others and left with them. He knew what was coming for the teen.

Naruto was breathing heavy as he wasn't given a chance to gather himself, his hands shook.
Orochimaru had noticed the fever. He might be a Pedo but he had some morals. Besides, if he treats the blond well, then Naruto would be no different than the rest of his harem. Orochimaru made sure they always develop feelings for him. Stockholm syndrome was his game and he was good at it.
"I didn't mean to kiss you so suddenly." He caressed the teen's cheek "I've never met anyone quite like you before"

How many times has he told that sentence? But this time, he actually meant it.


Unfortunately, what was supposed to hopefully last one night didn't.

Naruto woke up the fourth day to the sound of one of the teens crying. He slowly got out of bed and walked to him.
"Hey..." He sat on the soft mattress and saw the teen curl up to a ball. "Are you okay?"

"Tomoyi, Orochimaru-sama is waiting for you" the eldest teen informed.

"I'm not going" the kid curled up more.

"You know what's going to happen if you don'-.."

"I'll go instead" Naruto didn't even know what he was volunteering for.

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