48. Heartache

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Naruto was still in the witness stand when the Doctor was being arrested.

The murderer threatened Naruto without care to who heard what. But the blond only looked at him with sorrow filling his eyes. If it were anyone else they'd have a smile the size of the moon.

Naruto didn't consider it a win, he lost Hibara. He couldn't think Akio would be so terrible as to hurt his own child.

The judge had ruled in favor of Naruto. From joy, his parents and brother have run to him before the trial was declared over.

She cleared her throat in a friendly manner.

"Sorry...sorry...sorry" Iruka said first but he couldn't pry himself from the arms of his son.

She finished up regardless allowing them to have their time. It must have been hard being away from family.

Naruto just weakly hugged back.
"I missed you guys so much." He cried softly but their love warmed him up. He found himself apologizing again for all the trouble he had caused them.

"Stop crying, idiot. We would have won ages ago if they didn't keep postponing the trial" Kurama sighed wiping his tears.

"And you're not crying?" Naruto chuckled sadly.

"They're not tears...just uhm...water must be leaking from somewhere" he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Yes...it's the water leak" Naruto humoured his brother and hugged him tight.

"It's good to have you back. Wasn't the same without you around" Itachi rubbed his boyfriend's back lovingly knowing just how much this actually had almost drove the redhead insane.

"Itachi, thank you for looking after Kurama. I know he probably wasn't easy to deal with" Naruto pulled from Kurama.

"Don't need thanks. We love each other so it's only natural we support one another in hard times" he small smiled but then he saw Naruto's smile disappear.

Why didn't the guy who claimed he loved him support him too?
"I'm sorry-..." The older Uchiha started.

"It's okay" Naruto forced a smile not wanting to ruin the otherwise happy moment.

"You should know, sweetie...Sasuke testified for you" Iruka informed him. "You should talk to him"

Naruto nodded. He knew already that he and Sasuke had to address everything.

The blond looked at where the raven was sitting and saw only the can of ginger tea. It was still unopened and warm to touch.

He picked it up and walked to the busy halls. He only needed to look once to know where the raven was.
He sat down next to Sasuke on the wooden bench.

The teen with the onyx eyes did not notice. That is until the can of ginger tea was in his view and the thin boney tanned hand that extended it only belonged to one person.
"I think you forgot this in the courtroom" Naruto said softly.

But the raven didn't say anything. Naruto waited but just silence and when he leaned forward he could finally see the puddle of tears on the floor.

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