14. Glue Myself Shut

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Naruto was just happy his parents were back to being intimate again. He kind of wondered how long they would keep testing the waters with their relationship.

"Get a room, will ya?" Naruto rolled his eyes acting annoyed as he held Sai's hand dragging him inside.

Iruka just blushed. "You're still grounded" he said.

"You already grounded me for all of eternity" Naruto retorted.

"Make that eternity plus one" Iruka crossed his arms as he walked back inside.

"Actually, Iruka-san..I was wondering" Sai stopped walking making Naruto tumble.

"What is it?"

"Can you unground Naruto for this afternoon? I wish to take him on a date today"

"A date?" He looked at his son who was sort of blushing. "Naruto?"

"He just asked me out last night....I told him okay." The blond shrugged "not that I like him or anything. We're going out more as friends if I understood him correctly"

Iruka seemed to narrow his eyes to where his son was holding the dark haired teen's hand. His son had let go under his gaze not wanting his parents to misunderstand.

"I want to get to know Naruto-kun. Like he said as friends" he shot him that plastered smile. "But there are a lot more boys interested in Naruto-kun sexually....and he is seventeen, judging by his actions he is-..." His voice became muffled as Naruto adequately put a hand on his mouth.

"He is?" Iruka asked.

"Shy, dattebayo? Kaasan...I've never been-..." Iruka glared at his son and the latter stopped talking, retrieving his hand.

He hoped Sai would catch the cues that he shouldn't be saying that.
"You were saying, darling?" Iruka faked a smile.

"That he's still a virgin" Sai said without missing a beat.

Naruto knew he was fucked. If he was grounded for eternity before, now he knew his next one hundred reincarnations were just as grounded as him. In fact, he knew if his mother could, he would ground him in different dimensions and timelines.

Kakashi on the other hand just chuckled holding Iruka. "Baby one moment" he took him away from the teen's earshot.

"The nerve-..." He started to vent but Kakashi's words interrupted him.

"Sai has Schizoid Personality disorder. I think this will do him good" Kakashi softly smiled.

"He just said Naruto was a virgin like he wanted to whore him around.." Iruka took a deep breath.

"Well comes with the disorder"

"I know..." He took a deep breath. "Naruto knows right?"

"The whole school knows. Naruto probably took that into consideration as well...Sai doesn't make friends easy and they tend to end fast...so I say let him. Could do Naruto some good too, he's never shown interest in anyone before."

"Okay okay" he raised his hands defeated. "Sai, have him home by 8:45pm...not even a second late, understood?" He walked towards them.

"Hai" the boy replied. He didn't understand why Naruto was nervous and reprimanding him if what he said had no consequences.


Neji saw Naruto come out of a car that he very much knew was Sai's.
The dark haired sadistic asshole walked to them as if he hadn't just betrayed their friendship.

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