5. The Selfish And The Selfless

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Iruka was in Kurama's room, he never liked going in there but since Naruto got in, he needed to make sure everything was in place.

Everything Kurama had left was in prestine condition and Iruka had always put them back right where everything was. It was an obsessive behaviour, but the only way he knew how to cope with the sudden loss of his eldest.

Sasuke had walked out his room and saw the one next to Naruto's was semi open, the lights on. The colour of the walls was a dark red, almost brown.

He knew it was just him and Iruka in the whole house. He slowly pushed the door open, getting full view of it. It reminded him of the bedroom his adoptive parents made for him. It was almost exactly like it, not in terms of colours but in terms of how everything was too clean, too studied in place.

Iruka was holding an old fox plush toy which he put on the bed and then moved at least thirty times before he was content with its place.
He froze in place when he saw the raven right outside.
"Go to your room", Iruka ordered.

Sasuke, hearing the threatening tonal change, just rushed to his bedroom and locked it behind him even. He was scared.

The next following days, he was extremely careful and went to school just to avoid confronting his guardian.


He thought Naruto would be his worst nightmare but so far he had barely seen Naruto at all. He'd only see him on dinner time and that was it.

But that morning, he wasn't feeling well. He had a session a couple of days ago and he was yet again just facing the after effects.

Naruto was having breakfast in his Pj's when he overheard Iruka on the phone.
"Iruka, you need a nurse?" He asked.

"Yeah, can't find anyone so last minute. I might just stay home" he sighed putting the phone down.

"I can call Raiku-san. She'll find someone for sure and you know, I can look after Sasuke until then" he innocently smiled.

"And who's going to look after you?" Iruka raised an eyebrow.

"But I'm fine. Even the doctor said I'm pneumonia free. Besides Raiku is so amazing, she'll find a nurse in like 30 minutes max. And I'll be fine for thirty minutes." Naruto downplayed it.

Iruka knew he should have just called work to let them know. But he went against all logic and trusted Naruto.
"Okay...okay but...you let me know when the nurse comes okay? And I want a picture"

"Haai" Naruto smiled triumphantly.

Then just like that, he and Sasuke were alone at home. He had called Raiku just like he said he would.

He went to Sasuke's room and sat there looking after him. The silence of the house was mesmerising and soon, Naruto found himself falling asleep.

Sasuke's sudden rush to the bathroom was what woke him up. Naruto found Sasuke was not in bed and he heard his wretching in the bathroom.

He walked calling for him but the door was shut in his face.

"I'm fine..." Sasuke said from behind the door but soon went back to throwing up.

He freshened up and gotten out of the bathroom, he sighed in relief when he didn't see Naruto there.
But that didn't last long as soon the blond was in view with a tray.

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