47. The Trial

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Sasuke was debating himself internally. In his hand a subpoena obligating him to testify in court.

If Naruto was indeed sick and he testified against him...where would that leave them? But if Naruto was causing himself all this harm...how could he live with enabling him?

He was in a tough spot. So he tried to be objective. What he knew was true from his perspective was the following:
- Naruto had willingly induced a seizure in the hospital.
- He was pulled from his parents' custody by court and mandated to be watched at all times.
- He said he was getting the help he needed even though Sasuke didn't believe that obvious lie.
- Naruto, sometimes last week, had ingested something that caused him an internal bleeding and was still hospitalized as a consequence.

The other side, had only allegations. Although, his brother, Kurama, Raiku, Naruto's parents and friends support these sayings. They believe their allegations so much they were going to court just for a chance to prove they are right.

To Sasuke, winning the lawsuit didn't necessarily mean Naruto was telling the truth. He knew his ex was rich. Rich enough to buy his way out of a mandatory hospital stay. Rich enough to even buy him in an auction, so why wouldn't he be able to buy a simple lawsuit off?

It was tearing him apart which stance he was going to take. But he was adamant to figure it out that day.

In the hospital, Naruto opened his eyes for the very first time since his admission.
"Sasuke" he called on weakly. It was the first time he called anyone other than his brother and parents first.

"He's not here, sir" Raiku informed him before she went to call a doctor.

Yamato watched the teen from afar. there weren't much movements so he figured the boy fell back to sleep.
In his hand was a letter from Hibara they found under her pillow, after she passed away.

He took the liberty to read it and in it she confessed her father threatened to kill her if she ever spoke of what he did to Naruto that night. there were tear stains that smudged the ink in places but it still was readable. Her father had attempted to kill the blond.

"You can't tell him she passed away" Raiku noticed the tensity in Yamato's muscles. "He won't take it well"

"So the state fucked up...I fucked up..." Yamato covered his face. "He's just a kid...and I treated him just as bad as I treated the drug addicts I had to monitor"

Raiku was about to tell Yamato just how much she hated him when the blond called Sasuke again.

She called the raven from her phone and asked him to come. He only exasperated before he hung up so she assumed he would come.

But they waited for him all day, Naruto only called for him whenever he woke up for few seconds.

When the door opened that evening, both the adults were expecting to finally see the raven.

There was an Uchiha by the door. He was sweaty and breathless. His onyx eyes watering at the sight of the blond.

It just was the wrong Uchiha.

Itachi, after a week of pleading was allowed allowed to go see Naruto. Kurama always lost it so they kept kicking them both out.
He saw the tired blue orbs open. They looked at him and a soft smile lighted his exhausted face.
"Sasuke" Naruto smiled some more "you're here"

Itachi felt a lump in his throat. The teen barely moved his hand and the older Uchiha held it knowing fully well what he was doing wasn't right but how could he tell Naruto in this state that his selfish brother wasn't coming?

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