Judging My Writing

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Hey sexy noodles,

Before we start; This is supposed to be funny and lighthearted. I am judging myself in accordance with the Watty's judging guidelines because honestly no one is harsher than yourself when it comes to your own original work.

Soooo as I have told you before I have decided to apply for the Watty's this year with "Broken".

Now I know my chances of ever winning with my current level of writing is like:

Now the estimate might actually be generous.

But I read the judging criteria and I just laughed my ass to Neverland.

So the concept/plot:


Yeah no...none of those three exist.

The concept is average at best.

The ending is predictable from a mile away.

The plot...well Idk too many plots in my stories as always so nope.

well Idk too many plots in my stories as always so nope

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- I'd like to say that my authorial voice is strong, compelling and distinct but nope. I don't even know if I do my characters justice half the time.

- strong, vivid emotional language....a big maybe.
Words are above average? No...definitely not above average. Allow me to shit on E.L James one more time while shitting on myself. I'm just as good as her original fanfic. (If you've never read it...tis bad...tis really bad. I mean even the actual book was still bad even after all the editing.) But that's still giving myself too much credit because she's an actually published writer. (Kudos to her.)

- Point of view is clear. Check
But is it powerful...hell to the no. Like y'all need to define what is powerful. That's some subjective shit right there.


Good spelling, punctuation, and grammar: *exist*


I write on my phone always. And as you all know the speed with which we think and process ideas is tons faster than that of our body.
So while I'm typing away with my two poor thumbs at supersonic speed; they unfortunately cannot keep up with my brain. So I end up forgetting to write words,  repeating words, or forgetting punctuation....etc.

- Proficient editing:
What's proficient editing?


I might be a little guilty of overdoing cliffhangers. Now do I do it on purpose? No. It just happens.

Adequate writers: *beautifully write so they don't have major info-dumping all of a sudden.

Meanwhile me to my poor readers:

On to the next point XD

I'd like to think the narrative structure has a clear sequence of events. Now is it logical? I don't know but I assume it is because you guys can follow through.

I think my characters are definitely unique but multi-dimensional...no they are as flat as flat-earthers believe the earth to be.


Writing is extremely creative...meh
The whole first line of criteria is meh cause obvious reasons.

Dialogue is not overused:

I mean is there really such a thing as overused dialogue? (Note the sarcasm)

Please feel free to judge my writing as well XD

Also I did a big brain thingy and applied before editing the story because I thought I could just edit it afterwards. It turns out you can't edit after you apply.

So really that dim chance is in reality 0% 😂😂😂😂.


I will be posting next chapter for this book tomorrow. Updates for this book will then be every other day!

I really hope this was as funny as I think it is.


- Homura.

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