55. Love

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First things first! She's A-okay!! Stressed out with life and all but hanging on. And I still have the numbers you guys sent, (just in case).

I have removed the chapter because I was freaking out and it was pretty incomprehensible.

Thank you for being there through that, though!


Sasuke hated the smell of hospitals. It was the scent of rubbing alcohol, sickness, sanitizers and death. The scent of agony and suffering. The scent of loneliness. The scent of hopelessness.

Kakashi had handed him a cup of black coffee, reminding him Naruto would be alright for the hundredth time in five minutes.
Sasuke didn't say anything. The hot cup burnt his hands but he was numb to the pain.

The nutty smell of the coffee filled his nostrils, just momentarily replacing the smell he so despised.

"Sasuke," Kakashi nudged him to get his attention. "Naruto said you proposed to him yesterday."

"I did?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "God, I was so tired; I don't even remember doing that." He took a sip from his coffee.

"You want to take it back?" Kakashi wondered.

"What? No...no of course not. I just had something else planned."

"You're eighteen. You're graduating soon. You have your whole life ahead of you-..."

"You want me to break it off?" He asked confusion evident in his tone.

"I'm making sure you understand. He's not getting better so that means you two will get married sooner rather than later. Taking care of him isn't easy. It's a lot of sleepless nights, and that means you'll be missing out classes. You may not be able to go to college and realize your dreams. He's financially stable, so you don't have to worry about money...but you'll be giving up everything you ever wanted for him-..."

"Kakashi sensei," the raven interrupted and looked at his teacher in the eyes. "Naruto is everything I ever wanted; so I'm not giving him up, not now...not ever" he said with confidence.

Kakashi's eyes softened and he looked down. He remember giving up the wealth for Iruka. They had nothing but one another. Now, here they were with more than they ever dreamed to have.
"I do wish things were different, for the both of you," the man spoke. "I can't imagine him not in my life. Whenever he is too sick to be hyperactive in the morning; it feels like something is missing. I can't imagine-...his voice just never calling for me ever again." The lump occupied his throat and he took a deep breath not to break down. "And if I feel like this, I can't think what it feels like to you."

Sasuke opted to say nothing again.

And for a long time, only the sound of doctors, nurses and patients occupied the space.

Sasuke thought about it; how could he put that hollowness into words? He looked at the now empty plastic cup of coffee in his hand; its empty bottom staring back at him. "Tasteless, colourless, meaningless; that's what it feels like without him."

Kakashi had nothing to say back to that; but he placed his hand on the teen's back reassuringly.


Sasuke didn't care much for school; not while Naruto was in the hospital. But he had to be there. He had no valid excuse not to. So while in class; all he could think of was the blond, the seat Naruto normally occupied was claimed a while ago by a certain Pinkette.

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