19. Pain

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Their classmates got out of the locker room and only Neji remained a few seconds behind to tie his shoelaces.

When he stood up he found himself pinned against the locker.
"What the fuck, Naruto??"

"You said you wouldn't do rumours anymore. Listen I don't give a fuck who you write about but stay away from Sasuke"

"It wasn't me!" He said almost afraid for his life as he could barely breath. "I swear...Naruto"

The blond let go of him. "If I found out you lied to me...you're dead" he walked out to the court. Since it was a cold morning they played indoors. First day of PE for the school year. Any other PE teacher would have let the teens do whatever they wanted for the first day but not Gai sensei.

Sasuke smiled as he saw his goofy blond walk in. "We're about to warm up" the raven was ecstatic about having permission from his doctor to work out.

"You sure it's okay for you, Teme?"

"Yeah regular exercising is good. I know my limit. Come on-..."

"I'm not joining. I passed out this morning, remember?....it would be unwise" he had a friendly smile on his face playing it down.

"Uchiha-san, let's go...chop chop!! Show me the power of youth coursing through your veins. Sixty laps around the court! No slacking!" he used his whistle and everyone started jogging.

Naruto stayed on the bleachers laying down and hearing the rhythmic sound of their shoes on the court lulling him to sleep.

It wasn't until he heard a fall that he woke up abruptly. A bit confused as to where he was, it took a minute to register he was in school. Sasuke was helped by one of their classmates as another had shoved him too hard.

Naruto watched the match as the other team and even most of Sasuke's teammates shoved him and every single time it was the same person helping him up, Hyūga Neji. He tensed with every harsh move directed at his boyfriend. But the last fall Sasuke couldn't even stand straight.

Sasuke hated relying on Neji but he preferred it over embarrassment in front of their classmates.
Naruto came over and helped him to the bench.

His eye had caught the ball and his arm reacted stopping it inches away from Sasuke.
"Why don't you fight me?!" Naruto yelled and his voice echoed in the gym "cowards" he muttered as he shifted his attention back to Sasuke.

The raven sat down and winced as he pulled up his pants. His tibia was bruised up badly and judging by the pain; his femur and ass were no different, even his arm ached.
"Naruto-kun, take him to the nurse's office" his teacher ordered.

"Haaai" this was the first prolonged 'i know' that Sasuke heard which sounded sad. "Teme, I'm sorry" he bit his lip as he watched him limp.

"I deserve it" Sasuke said taking small steps and shifting his whole weight on his right leg as it hurt far less.

"You don't. No one does" he stayed with Sasuke in the infermary until the bell rang.

Naruto told him he'd go bring his stuff over and he did just that but on his way back he saw someone coming his way.

"Didn't know the infamous Uzumaki was such a dick sucker"

"Fuck off" he bit back.

"Oh careful we got outselves a badass" the guy laughed as he pushed Naruto away "what are you gonna do?" He shoved him again "I'm waiting, you little bitch!"

Naruto dropped their things foreseeing the last shove. He held the assailant's hand twisted it and pushed it upfront.

Unfortunately for Naruto the guy wasn't planning to play fair as his dozen friends came to his aid.
And while he did fight best he could he was way outnumbered. The rest of their classmates took videos. Only one sole Hyūga went to get their teacher afraid Naruto would end up badly injured.

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