21. In Sickness and Health

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Sasuke couldn't recall that weekend. Everything was vague. He recalls seeing Naruto with him through it all though he was unsure if it were just a dream or not.

His doctor checked on him that morning. A blonde woman with huge breasts, those were the two key characteristics he could identify her with. She was a perfectionist from his view of her.
"We're gonna have to give your body a couple more days to rest before we give you another session" she could tell that much just from looking at him. "You have a guest, waiting outside" she started his IV "he asked me if he could have you this evening for a date."

Sasuke was about to ask who when he heard her say that and small smiled.
"Usuratonkachi is outside?"

"Yeah...and I told him he could have you just for this evening as an exception." She pushed down the painkillers in the syringe through his IV and went over to call Naruto. "Make it short," she informed the blond.

"Teme" he sat by the bed. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah" Sasuke held his hand "you're no longer grounded?"

"No and I have both your brother and your doctor's approval. It'll be amazing I promise" he noticed he was drifting off and softly kissed his forehead.

Sasuke could still hear voices though they soon became distant and he was asleep.

When he woke up it was afternoon and Naruto was sleeping on the chair by his side. "Usuratonkachi?" He sat up carefully and reached in to wake Naruto gently. Only at the faintest touch, the blond woke up abruptly gasping for air. "I..didn't mean to scare you, you ok?" Evidently, Naruto's reaction had frightened him as well. "Usuratonkachi?"

It took a couple minutes for Naruto to register where he was and what was going on. "It was just a dream" he mumbled mostly to himself.

"More like a nightmare" Sasuke gave him a bottle of water from the mini fridge. "You okay?" He asked again, noticing the hard laboured breaths of the blond.

"Yeah....yeah" he nodded "it felt so real. I couldn't breathe..." He put his hand on his throat as if making sure there was nothing around his neck.

Sasuke comforted him best he could until the blond was calm and collected.
"So how was class?" The raven wondered.

"I didn't go. I was preparing something for you. Hold on a second" Naruto left the room quickly and came back dressed in a tux. "I got you one"

"It's a first date not a wedding" he chuckled.

"First impressions matter" he retorted.

"A little too late for first impressions don't, you think?" Sasuke chuckled some more "but I'll entertain you" he took his suit. "I can manage by myself" he informed.

"Haaii" Naruto gave him his famous reply and left him alone.

He got dressed in silence and got out of the room seemingly dragging with him the IV pole. "I'm all ready"

"You look handsome" Naruto smiled holding Sasuke's hand.

"I'll believe that lie"

"It's not a lie, Teme. You look really handsome" he smiled and only then did Sasuke blush realizing Naruto wasn't just being nice.

"You look..." He cleared his throat "too"

Naruto didn't hear the compliment but he still thanked the idiot for trying. They walked to the elevator and Naruto blindfolded his date. Once the ding signaled their arrival, Naruto pulled the blindfold.

When the door opened, it revealed a fancy dinner table for the two of them. Two servants bowed to them and escorted them to their table.

Red candles, rose petals were all over the place. A wooden frame with flowers all around it made it seem like they were sitting in a gazebo.

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