53. To Live, To Love, To Forgive

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Sasuke had come over that morning early as Naruto asked him the night before to come pick him up and he'd help him with the store while Jiraiya is in the hospital.

But when Iruka opened the door with that sad look; he knew he wasn't going with Naruto anywhere.
"Sasuke, talk some sense into him. He's in no condition to go anywhere."

"Ha...I'll talk to him." The raven got in and went upstairs finding him fully dressed.

"Teme-..." Naruto forced a smile. He got up and was immediately betrayed by his legs that refused to put up the same act he was.

Sasuke had caught the blond whose red cheeks were on the verge of exploding. The raven bit his lip as he heard the laboured breaths of his lover. The soft pained moans tore at him and Naruto wasn't even holding on to him, he was that weak.

Forget about talking some sense into him.

He found himself holding on tighter. Was he really going to lose Naruto? He didn't want it to happen.
"Byōki de gomen'nasai," the blond mumbled softly before losing consciousness.

When Naruto had opened his eyes again; he was tucked in bed. He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but he was happy that Sasuke was by his side.
The raven smiled back returning the soft one on Naruto's face.

It had been almost a week since Naruto was actually properly awake. It took all of him not to just hug Naruto out of the blue.
"Can I get you anything?" He stroke Naruto's hair gently.

"No..." He closed his eyes leaning more into Sasuke's soft touch. "But get in bed with me" he requested.

The raven complied getting in bed with Naruto being careful with the IV line. He wasn't surprised to know the temperature was still there. It just was lower.
"Is it always like this?"

"The fever?" Naruto asked.


"Yeah. It comes and goes."

"What was the longest you had it?"

"Mhm...I don't know exactly." Naruto cuddled some more to Sasuke. "Did you go see Jiji?"

"I did. He is doing better. I mean better than he was last week. They discharged him yesterday, "

Naruto closed his eyes. A week, he has been unconscious for a week. He felt the tears stinging his eyes and he simply rested his forehead against Sasuke's chest to hide his silent cries.
"What day is it?"

"Friday." He informed following it with a kiss on the forehead. "Is the fever also induced by stress?"

"No. It doesn't really have a pattern or a trigger. It just comes randomly and suddenly with varying temperatures. If it gets too high, I go to the hospital."

"What's too high for you?"

"40°C, like during the storm. Tou-san would have taken me earlier if the weather had allowed it. But even with a lower temperature, they call the doctor. I get IV's because I don't wake up much to eat or drink."

"Does it normally hurt?"

"Mhm" Naruto nodded. "It differs from time to time."

"Are you...right now?" Sasuke desperately wanted to know all about his boyfriend's case.

"Yeah, stomach pain. Nothing I can't handle though." The blond reassured him.

"Anything I can do for you?" He rubbed Naruto's back lovingly. The teen shivered when The raven's cold hand accidentally came in contact with his hot back skin. Sasuke immediately retrieved his hand.

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