42. Confrontation

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Naruto was off after a couple of weeks. The first thing he did was go see his boyfriend. It had been two weeks too long since he had heard his voice, seen his face or felt his touch.

But when he got there, there was someone else in Sasuke's room. He apologized for intruding and just asked the nurse about Uchiha Sasuke.

He rushed through after getting the information.
But when he saw Sasuke from the window, he couldn't bring himself to go in right away.

The raven had lost his hair fully, he looked a lot thinner, a lot paler too if it were possible. Dark circles were evident under his eyes. His kissable lips were dry and chapped.

He walked in when he saw him opening his eyes.
"Sasuke" he shot him his bright smile.

"Usuratonkachi, took you long to get better" he weakly extended his arm "Kurama said you had a bad one, you okay?"

"Of course Kurama told you" Naruto sighed and held Sasuke's hand. "I'm fine, they just had to keep me in as a precaution. More importantly, how are you?"

"Trying the bald look. Your brother can't call me duckbutt anymore. I see that as a win" he chuckled lightly.

"Well if I'm being honest. It always stole attention from your beautiful eyes." Naruto pecked his nose "hopefully when it grows back, it'll be no duckbutt...but ya know...I love you; hair, no hair, duckbutt hair...you're still my Teme, dattebayo?" he kissed him softly.

"Mhm" Sasuke moaned in the kiss and smiled some more "I missed your cheesy comments"

"Just my comments?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah just your comments. I definitely did not miss you at all" he sarcastically spoke. But everything Sasuke was saying was barely above a whisper.

"So care to tell me why they moved you to the cardiac ward?"

"Some slight arrhythmias they're worried about. I told them I was in looove but they didn't believe me" his eyes closed heavily.

"Okay whatever they're giving you...you're on a roll" Naruto chuckled at him.

"Morphine...they upped the dose... yesterday?...honestly time lost meaning. It all feels like one prolonged day."

"So you're high?" Naruto noticed how he was extra touchy.

"Pretty much, don't worry it doesn't last forever...you'll get boring Sasuke back soon" he hugged Naruto's arm which left the blond in a really awkward position. "I'm getting better, Naruto, I'm really getting better" he mumbled happily before falling asleep.

Naruto didn't mind the uncomfortableness of his position, he waited until Sasuke let go of him when he was in a deeper sleep. He kissed his head. "I'm proud of you, Sasuke. I love you"

The blond sat down for a bit before he had to go. He left him a note by his side. There was something else he had to do that day...something that Kurama warned him against doing.

He stared at the envelope in his hand. It was the lawsuit directed at the doctor and a court summon. His lawyer was going to deliver it but Naruto wanted to do it himself, he wanted to see the man who made his life hell.

Naruto had arrived at the dump of apartment complex. He didn't know why a retired successful doctor would be living in that low income area. He started to think they had the wrong address. It would be an honest mistake, maybe he spelled his last name differently.

People stared at the polished black car, from it a well dressed young blond had come out. He didn't particularly look rich, so all sorts of gossip was already flying around.
Some said he was the long lost son of one of their neighbors. They speculated what was in that big yellow envelope.

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