72. The Honeymoon (Part 1)

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Sasuke had just taken a shower after settling in their beach front rented property.

He walked in the bedroom, his eyes falling on the other end of the huge master bedroom. Strands of yellow hair gently floating in the air.

"Mhm?" He looked back at his husband who approached the balcony, "the view is a killer." He smiled returning his attention to the lovely sunset.

"Do you want your camera?" A soft smile graced Sasuke's face.

"No, I want to internalize this," Naruto didn't take his gaze off of the colourful sky. Oh so cohesively complimenting one another.

The blond relaxed into the arms that surrounded him. Sasuke rested his chin on his lover's shoulder after planting a soft kiss there.

The waves crashed in a rhythmic movement. The raven's eyes softened as the smile on his face slowly disappeared. No matter how much he pushed all those thoughts away, he couldn't help but feel this would be the last thing he'd be doing with Naruto.

His heart pounded against the blond's back. His arms tensed wanting to successfully grasp his husband. The husband that was slipping away from him with every passing moment.

Sasuke was grieving even before he had anything to grieve for.

"It's my first time seeing the beach, dattebayo? I've seen many pictures, but none truly conveyed it's dangerous beauty." Naruto placed his hand on top of Sasuke's arms hoping to be able to relax him. He was fully aware of how his raven felt.

But Sasuke hadn't replied. If anything, the need to speak only caused a lump to occupy his throat. The bitter familiar taste of pain and loneliness already coated his tongue. And the tears which only his pillow witnessed, before meeting his Sunshine, were without a doubt soon to return.

He preferred to go through any kind of torture, to have any kind of poison coursing through his veins; as long as it meant he could see those loving eyes and that bright smile.

He only hid his face in the crook of Naruto's neck as he uncontrollably sobbed.

"I don't want this to end," Sasuke confessed through tears. He had illogically tied the end of their bucket list with the end of Naruto's life.

"It doesn't have to," the blond spoke calmly, "it's going to be okay," he slowly pried those tense arms open so he could turn to face his lover.

"No, it's not-..."

"Sasuke, I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I promise." He wiped his husband's tears and gently kissed the mess that was Sasuke.

The raven didn't care if it was an empty promise. He just needed the comfort of knowing the better half of him was not abandoning him too.

He was all too familiar with darkness and loneliness. Now that he had a taste of what it meant to be happy, to feel complete, and have purpose...
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared of the things he knew himself capable of doing; if he were to lose his everything.

He looked at those kind blue eyes as they lovingly stared at him.
"You never break a promise, right?" The raven hated that he was more of an emotional mess than Naruto.

"You know it!" He chirped.

Sasuke could hear the hint of sadness in that otherwise happy tone. But indeed, Naruto wasn't the type to break promises. So that helped get control of his raging emotions.
"I'm sorry," he found himself apologizing.

"What for?" Naruto looked at him with wide confused eyes.

"Being a mess, constantly, it's not fair to you."

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