30. Namikaze-Uzumaki (Part 1)

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Konoha was the greatest country in the world, or so the rest of neighboring countries saw it. It was a force to be reckoned with.

Otogakure and Amegakure have both joined forces and started invading the smaller countries by their side.
And they kept getting stronger until the genocide that happened in Uzushiogakure.

It was the event the rest of the great countries could not turn a blind eye to. Uzushiogakure's fall marked the beginning of the second world war.

It wasn't a war to stop genocide but rather, quite stupidly too, war to assert dominance and everyone had their eyes set on the beautiful untouched Konoha.

But five years of slaughter and murder made them fear Konoha's military. It was fierce, unforgiving and cold blooded. They saw women fight in the front lines. But the weakest female Konoha soldier could easily take down their strongest male soldier.

The trees were a great cover for snipers and the mines were strategically placed as ambush. This was Konoha's territory and it knew how to use it to its advantage.

A truce followed, with the great five leaders politically discussing what to do. Tobirama simply watched as they split the lands as if they were sharing a cake. He wanted none of it.
Instead, he offered to take in the orphans of Uzushiogakure as well as refugees. Since Konoha was the least effected by the war, this was his way to show how they were stronger.

Uzumaki Kushina, age 9, had seen the horrors of war. She, at that tender age, had killed in order to survive. It was either that or be raped until death. That was one of the many unspoken horrors of war.

She was only four when the war started. She and some other orphaned kids have made their own save haven in the broken debris of Uzushiogakure. They survived on rabbits, squirrels and in really bad days....rats.

For five years, that was her life. Until one day while she was hunting she came across a grey-haired man. The insignia on his forehead protector was unfamiliar to her. She had seen soldiers from the stone, the sound, the rain, the mist and the sand countries respectively but she had never seen anyone from whatever this place was.

She aimed her arrow at him. A nine-year-old, with a make-shift hunting bow and arrow, was threatening the leader of Konoha no Sato.
Tobirama urged his company to lower their weapons. He was not threatened by a child and he would be ridiculed if he killed such an innocent-looking girl.

"My name is Senju Tobirama, Konoha no Sato's Hokage." He took a step forward and she shot her arrow an inch away from his foot.

"Next one will be at your head" she narrowed her eyes. "I've never heard of a Konoha before" she only knew what she saw or what other kids shared, which was not big a lot.

"The war is over and we're here looking for orphans...survivors..."

"Why?" She moved back as she saw someone else come out from behind a tree, a blonde teen.

"Tsunade, you better have a good reason for interrupting" her great uncle sighed.

"I..." She saw the bow shift back and forth between her and her uncle. "Found a kid by the northeast exit. He was severely hurt by a mine...." She spoke lowly. "The doctor is still there, he sent me here to inform you that he needs an ambulance"

Kushina's heart raced. "who? Who was hurt?!"

"A toddler....the others called him Kurama..." Tsunade informed.

Even before the name was fully uttered, Kushina had dropped her weapon and ran in the direction of their hideout.

Kurama was the youngest in their group, a bubbly child who didn't know any better. He wanted to come with her that morning but she told him no. She was venturing into the forest and it was safer for him to stay there.

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