44. Right Place, Right Time

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Summer vacation was over quickly and just like that the second semester of senior year was about to start. But they still had 20 days of beautiful golden summer days before fall claims the hidden leaf.

It was the last Sunday before the first day of the second semester. Naruto had kissed his parents good morning and left with a quick bye.

He took his car to the hospital and greeted the nurses on his way to Sasuke's room.
"Hey ha-..."

"I could hear you from a mile away, Usuratonkachi.." he got out of bed.

"Well good morning to you too" Naruto chirped, resting on the doorframe. His eyes lingered on the drawer following Sasuke's movements. "Since you're not ready yet I'm gonna go see Hibara-chan."

"Is she still not talking to you?" He got his clothes ready to go take a shower.

"She's not talking to anyone. Not even her father..."

"Took you a month to crack me...so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you crack her" Sasuke gave him a kiss "good luck"

"Thanks...I need it" he kissed him back before going to Hibara's room.

The pretty brunette was awake. She was holding a book and reading in peace. She tensed momentarily when the door opened and only relaxed when she saw that blond hair.
"Hibara-chan, g'morning"

"Mhm" she said in reply. This was the normal reply he usually gets from her.

"I didn't get you anything today. I wasn't sure to be honest...I asked your dad but he wasn't much help there." Naruto's eyes furrowed as he thought about how weird it was not to know the things your only child liked.
She looked at him when he said that.
"Did he come by yesterday?"

She shook her head in reply. No, of course he wouldn't come see her. He preferred if she was dead. He'd have killed her if it weren't too troublesome. A fact that he always reminded her of and which he absolutely despised. He just had to wait for her to die naturally, he'd bury her and never have to answer any questions. Isn't that why he signed her up as a guinea pig?

"My boyfriend and I are going out today...so uhm..do you want me to get you anything on the way back?" He asked nervously. But he was wondering what father who was so worried wouldn't be by their child's side? Even if the man had work, he'd make time for his one and only family. That nervousness was bad, the red flag that flapped in his mind the moment he was embraced by that man was now soaring high.
He was so focused on his own thoughts, —between the weird father and Sasuke... Sasuke who thought he was planning a surprise something today— it took a moment to register her very first words to him.

"Ramen cup" she smiled softly as her eyes sparkled. She's been craving some for ages.

"Ramen?" Naruto repeated "hai!" He smiled wide.

Soft knocks interrupted the happy little moment. "Usuratonkachi, I'm ready..." The raven peeked "hey Hibara"

"Mhm" she went back to reading.

The two lovebirds left together, hand in hand. One smiling from ear to ear hiding his nervousness and the other conscious about his wig touching it up every two seconds.
"It looks fine, Teme"

"It feels unnatural" he argued.

"You can always take it off. I think you look handsome either ways" he pecked his cheek.

"I know...I'm perfect, aren't I?" He smirked.

"Someone's getting full of himself" Naruto chuckled "but, I can't fault you...you are beyond perfect" he pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

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