9. The Snake and The Toad Part 2

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Naruto didn't know what exactly they were getting ready for. He once again was handed a formal suit.
Orochimaru had walked in on him in the bathroom. The teen had just put on the white shirt, it was unbuttoned still. He smirked and walked closely to Naruto. His hand freely touched the teen's soft skin.

He leaned in kissing him and only stopped when he felt a bump on the boy's chest. He pulled away looking at Naruto who winced. "That hurts, dattebayo?" He held the adult's hand to stop him from poking his implanted port.

"What is it?"

"An implanted port. For IV's and meds.." the blond buttoned his shirt himself.

"Why do you need it? Are you sick? Is it serious?" Orochimaru didn't need to hear answers, the boy's silence was foretelling. "What is it?"

"A rare unknown illness. They don't know how to help. They think it's genetic."

So when Naruto asked if he knew he wouldn't live long, perhaps this was why. Perhaps this was why Naruto was kinder than others and more caring.
But Orochimaru looked at Naruto and only saw him inexplicably being taken away from him just like Mitsuki was stolen from him.

He hugged the blond who took a second to reciprocate his feelings.

Naruto was once again handed the fox mask which he wore before they went downstairs. The rest of the teens were not masked and they did not wear clothes like he had. They were barely dressed as if this was to please the guests.

The ballroom was prepped for what Naruto could only assume was an auction as Orochimaru handed him their own number.

But Naruto only realized that they were bidding on people later that night. The auction ranged from selling people to organs, to stolen artifacts to selling sex acts from certain persons.

Naruto was disinterested and only sat there because he had no other option.
"State your name boy" the auctioneer chuckled as the voice wasn't audible "Louder boy"

"Uchiha Sasuke, seventeen" the teen had been a resident of another rich person. He was thankful he had cancer. They couldn't give him drugs or do anything that would somehow lead to him dead.

The light was in his eyes and couldn't see the crowd.
But Naruto's heart ached seeing him on that stage. He was in one of those revealing outfits, that only barely covered his genitals. Sasuke's body had a lot of scars from his past surgeries. His body was far from perfect. He felt humiliated.
"We will start at 10k" the auctioneer started. Easily the cheapest item on the list that night. He chuckled thinking 10k was too much for damaged dying goods but he kept his thoughts to himself.

There was a market to everything, even sick dying teens.

Naruto had been at many auctions before, he never liked them in his life but now it was his life's mission to outbid for Sasuke.
He gently rested his hand on his cheek acting bored. But ever so subtly he would raise his finger. The ringman would then inform the auctioneer they have a higher bidder.

It started at 10k but then soon, it rose to over ten million and the bids eased until they stopped at 12 million. There was one woman who had wanted to play doctor with Sasuke's life but she couldn't bid any longer.
"Let's give it up to the man in the fox mask, our highest bidder tonight" the auctioneer started the round of applause.

Naruto got out of his seat next to Orochimaru. He removed his tux jacket and climbed the stairs up to the stage to put the jacket on Sasuke.
"Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here. Dattebayo?"


"Not a word, Sasuke. We're in the snake's den... I'll get you out safe and sound. I promise" he helped him out of the stage and left the ballroom with him.

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