28. Stage 4

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Sasuke woke up to the sound of the front door. The clock by the bed flashed 3am and his brother was sleeping on the futon.

He was confused, his chest hurt so he sat up hoping it would pass soon.

He looked around the room.

That's right....

They were at Naruto's. He rolled to the other side, there was no way any of them was awake at 3am, must have been just a nightmare. It would explain why he was sweating so much.

He closed his eyes but then the thought of Naruto sleepwalking made him wide awake.
He got out of the bed and stumbled on his sleeping brother before he reached the door.

"Sasuke-..." Itachi rubbed his eyes, "are you okay?"

But the raven just looked across the hall where Naruto's bedroom door was open revealing a very empty room.
"I heard the front door, Naruto's not in his room" he spoke but mostly to himself as he rushed downstairs finding the front door open too.

"Sasuke.." Itachi got up and followed his baby brother downstairs still not knowing why Sasuke was all of a sudden just acting so strange.

The young Uchiha looked at both sides but in the empty streets, Naruto wasn't in view. He didn't even know which way the blond could have gone.
"Naruto!" He called out with no use. His voice echoed far and even woke up some of the nearby neighbors from a deep peaceful slumber.

His pain rose to an unbarable measure and he clutched it falling on his knees. The thought that something could happen to his blob of sunshine intensified his physical pain. He felt invisible walls closing in on him and all of a sudden it was like Earth had no more Oxygen to spare him.

"Oh god" Itachi got to his brother's side and laid him down. "You need to calm down, breathe with me okay? Slow and deep breaths" he saw Sasuke struggle to take deep breaths. The wheezing got gradually worse. Itachi couldn't leave him alone but as he looked back at the house, he saw Kurama's parents were awake too.

Kakashi didn't give him a second glance as he ran right passed them whereas Iruka gotten his cellphone and called an ambulance as he gotten to him.

"Naruto's sleepwalking...he got out..." Sasuke spoke through his broken breathing. He needed them to know, even through his current pain and suffering he could only think of Naruto.

"Kakashi went to fetch him, he'll be okay sweetie." Iruka tried to comfort him.

Despite being a doctor, Itachi always gets anxious when it came to his own brother. His hands were trembling and his mind was foggy.
Hearing Sasuke struggle to even draw breath was making it hard for him to focus. If he made the wrong choice then he'd have killed his own brother.

Heck...he might have already killed him with the treatment. And just like that, Itachi remained frozen.

Kurama had woken up from all the commotion, he had seen them outside and rushed there.
"What happened?" He asked but Itachi was staring past them. "Iruka, I need you to grab my case from upstairs"

"Right away," the brunet rushed to the bedroom.

"Sasuke..." Kurama snapped his fingers "can you hear me?" He tried to solicit a response from the teen but the latter was unresponsive despite his eyes being wide open.

Kurama opened the case and gotten the injection he needed. He tore open Sasuke's shirt and used the installed port to inject him.
"They said to give him aspirin" Iruka said "the ambulance is on its way"

"That would be useful if he was having a heart attack," Kurama saw his breathing return to normal and checked his vitals flashing the pen light into his eyes, barely getting a response from them "How long has he been having trouble breathing?"

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