57. The Statement

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Naruto rolled in bed greeted by the cold empty space by his side. He opened his eyes expecting pitch black hair in his view.

He sat up for a moment before getting out of bed. Looking at the dark purple walls reminded him he had moved out.

Naruto shuffled out of the room. The sweet aroma of pancakes filled his nostrils immediately.

He could see his raven lover cooking in the kitchen. The blond smiled to himself as he approached the Uchiha and hugged him from behind; eyes half closed.

Sasuke flinched as he was taken by surprise. "Make a sound, idiot!"

"Mhm" Naruto replied and kissed Sasuke's neck, leaving sweet hickeys on the raven's pale skin.

"U-sura-tonka-chi..." Sasuke struggled to bite in his moans.

Naruto made sure he had turned on his soon to be husband real good before he let him go.
"Next time, don't leave me in bed all alone." The blond walked away, knowing fully well Sasuke was hard.

"What the fuck?" The raven looked at Naruto in disbelief "you're just gonna give me blue balls?"

"Pretty much." Naruto went and made himself a cup of coffee.

"That's not fair." Sasuke pouted, his cheeks still be burning a bright shade of red. "I just wanted to make you a nice breakfast."

"And I want to wake up in the arms of my lover, cuddle and then make breakfast together. Mine is better..." Naruto smirked as he took a sip. "You need to take care of that. Just imagine it's my butt and you'll cum instantaneously." He teased.

"Asshole," Sasuke muttered as he went to the bathroom within their bedroom.

"You love me!" Naruto chuckled.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" The raven rolled his eyes. He decided to get in the shower since he had to get ready for the day.

He undressed while the water ran to heat up. But just before he stepped in; the door opened and Naruto was there.

"Oh the show's already over?" Naruto joked.

"Do you miss being hit in the nuts?"

"You wouldn't dare do it," he smugly replied.

"You wanna b-..." Sasuke's lips were stopped by Naruto's.

The Uchiha shivered when he felt the cold glass door of the shower behind him. But he didn't mind.

He knew that at least this time; Naruto wasn't just meanly teasing him.


Sasuke fumbled around to find his school uniform. They might have gotten too caught up with one another in the bathroom.

Naruto threw the clothes at Sasuke and the latter did a pretty good job catching them with his face.
"Take the car, Teme, don't be late."

"I wouldn't be late if it weren't for you," he glared with a blush on his face.

"I didn't hear you complaining before." Naruto chuckled "look at it this way: no blue balls!"

"I swear you're having too much fun with torturing me." Sasuke exasperated struggling to get his tie fixed.

Naruto stood up from bed and calmly fixed it up for him.
"You'll make it in time just relax," he kissed him softly "thanks for the lovely breakfast. I'll come over at lunch okay?"

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