45. Ambush

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Imagine starting your day with the intention to propose to the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, only for everything to inexplicably crush down on top of you.

Sasuke cried himself that night to sleep. This was his first heartbreak and he didn't like the feeling. If this was what it felt like, then falling in love was a waste of time.

Naruto came see him the next morning but he refused to listen to anything he said. Even went on to request the nurses to never allow the blond visiting rights ever again.

He didn't want to see Naruto when the wound was still so fresh. He blocked his phone number and just pretended, for the most part, he never dated him, fell in love or got his heart broken.

Naruto was quiet while hearing Sasuke lose it and call him names in front of the nurses. He should have taken that sign seriously. He should have told Sasuke when he had the opportunity to.

Instead everything felt pointless, how can he talk to someone who didn't want to even hear his name?
There he was staring blankly into the white walls of Hibara's room. The tears found their way back into his eyes and he suddenly broke down unable to process losing Sasuke.

The girl was shocked, she knew he was unusually quiet but she didn't expect him to just start bawling his eyes out.
She didn't know what to do but her body did. Whenever she was having a bad time, her mother used to bring her to her arms, stroke her hair gently and sing her a lovely song.

So she did those things to calm Naruto down, he held on to her tight. It hurt and she knew it would bruise but he was in so much pain she didn't mind to share his.

She felt his hands let go of her abruptly plopping to the side and his whole weight on her.
"Na-Naruto?" She struggled to push him back on the chair so he wouldn't fall and was about to press the button to call a nurse when the door opened and she saw her own father there.

He grinned seeing her worried about the unconscious blond. He'd been waiting for an opportunity and this was it.

He searched the drawer and found an insulin shot. He yanked her hands as she tried to stop him. Her words went in one ear and out
The other and he made sure she understood consequences if she even said one word about him doing it.

He injected Naruto and left going to the bathroom just to say he wasn't in the room.
Hibara had called for help immediately. Her father was a sinister man, she was very afraid of him. She didn't want Naruto to die because of her. She was unaware of the motives behind her father's actions and she could only think it had to do something with her.

The blond was awake for a few seconds, feeling shaky and he looked at the syringe in his hand as his vision blurred. His blood sugar was already low and though the insulin shot he was given had just started working, its effects were far worse. There was only a look of confusion on his pale face before his eyes rolled back and he fell off the chair in a seizure.

After managing to save him from entering a coma, Naruto was placed in the psychiatric ward for self harmful behavior. Initial doctor review of his abridged medical file had lead to a false diagnosis of Munchausen Syndrome.

Since he was underage still, the doctors have decided to forcefully keep him there as they thought his parents were feeding into his delusions of being sick.

His parents and brother weren't allowed to see him and his cries that he didn't do this to himself died out to only whispers as no one cared what he said.

Because of this, they were all in trouble. Iruka and Kakashi were facing a lawsuit from the state for child abuse. Kurama was facing one for giving unnecessary treatment to his 'healthy' brother and he was at risk of losing his license.

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